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song reccomendation: you stupid bitch - girl in red

"I hope they're okay.". Jihyun says, checking the time on his phone. "Namjoon and Seokjin have been talking for over half an hour now.".

"Maybe he got rejected.". Taehyung says nervously. "God, I'm gonna feel so bad if that's true.".

"Or they both like each other and are confessing their undying love for each other?". Jihyun tries.

"Just like we'd do.". Jungkook jokes to Jimin.

"Please, as if, you just told me I had a nice ass and you wanted to rail me, but not as a hookup, but a boyfriend."

"Yeah, yeah, I didn't lie, though.".

Jimin giggles, throwing his arms around Jungkook, pressing a slow kiss to his lips, messy and tasting of alcohol and cigarette smoke, but heated somehow too, his tongue brushing against the roof of Jungkook's mouth.

"Mhm, you're right.".

"Can you guys not be horny for once?". Yoongi groans, and Jihyun laughs.

"No, we can't. Deal with it." Jungkook retorts, beginning to grind against Jimin, gripping his hips tightly.

"Ew, get a room." Taehyung complains.

Jihyun picks up another empty beer can, ready to throw it at Jimin, when Taehyung grabs his wrist.

"Don't. Jimin's gonna kill you."

"It's how we show our brotherly love for each other." Jihyun replies, but he puts the can down, leaning against Taehyung, letting out a loud sigh.

Meanwhile, Jungkook and Jimin are in their own world; Jungkook gently pressing kisses on Jimin's neck, trailing his lips downwards while he kisses and sucks Jimin's soft skin, leaving as many marks as he can. Jimin lets out a moan as Jungkook starts sliding his hands under his shirt and Hoseok coughs loudly to interrupt them, trying to hint that they should go somewhere else before fucking in front of everyone.

"You know, whenever I need to control my horniness, I only need to picture Jimin and Jungkook getting at it, like ew, my best friend shoving his dick into my other best friend? Hard pass." Taehyung comments.

Jihyun laughs, nodding in agreement. "It works perfectly for me too. Like imagine Jimin getting all weak and begging."

"Disgusting." Taehyung agrees.

That gets Jimin to let go of Jungkook.

"I beg to differ, I am not a subby bitch boy.".

Jihyun coughs.

"Of course not. Whatever helps you sleep at night.".


Jihyun and Taehyung both go downstairs with the order to get more drinks and get a package of cigarettes from one of Yoongi's friends, and Jihyun leans against the counter, watching as Taehyung squeezes in between two of his friends from Art class who are making out against the counter.

"Hey Jennie, hey Lisa!". Taehyung waves with a grin. "How's your boyfriend, Jen?".

Jihyun stifles a laugh as one of the girls turns around.

"He's cheating on me in Yoongi's bathroom, why? How's single life treating you?".

"Amazing.". Taehyung responds, taking out a bottle of wine from the fridge and some fruit liquor. "Hey, Jihyun, get some of the Oreo Ice Cream sandwiches Yoongi always hides in the freezer.".

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