17 - Pain

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A/N: Literally, I had no idea what to write in this chapter, but finally figured it out cx Anyone who pities Akio? Though, I never described him as weak, you should know, Akio is strong, not physically, more mentally strong. He did try to defend himself in chapter 16, but gave up, because he knew he is a human and Subaru-kun a vampire. He understood he never had a chance against him. So now you know :c Anyway, enjoy ~


Akio's P.O.V

Pain. It was all I felt. I couldn't move my legs normally. It was not how I use to experience with Kou. It was rough. It was intense. It was...painful. I pulled the sheets closer to my chest and felt the tears stream down once again. Why? Why me? What have I done to deserve this? Kou was gone from the house and the others kept their promise to stay here with me, to make sure no one else comes. To be honest, I am most scared. I don't even know what to do. 

"Akio-kun? Are you okay?" I looked up from the bed and bit it together. 

"Yeah, I am okay, thanks for asking." The door opened and Ruki stepped in with a cup of hot chocolate and some snacks beside of it. Guessing Yuuma helped him with this. Ruki sat down on the bed and glanced towards me with concerned eyes.

"Are you sure? Kou is deadly worried about you because you haven't moved from the bed in days, does your legs still hurt?" I went silent and looked down at my knotted hands.

"I am...fine, but...yes, it still hurts." I shifted my eyes from Ruki's towards the window. Kou was gone to confront Subaru after what he has done to me. He didn't have to do that, but being a protective boyfriend, there is no other choice.

"Look, Me and Yuuma are going to speak with Karlheinz about this, Subaru is his son." My eyes widened and I stared at him.

"Subaru? Mr Sakamaki's son?" Ruki sighed and placed his chin on his hand.

"Isn't that obvious, Akio-kun? Doesn't the name sound familiar to you?" I went quiet once again and gazed down at the sheets. Yes, that's true, but I wasn't aware of it. I didn't even think of it, but when I do, I do realize how much they do look much like. How could I have been mistaken by the hair colour and the behaviour?

"When I think of it, yes." I heard the door open again and to my surprise, Kou stepped in, with some scars on his face and some on his clothes.

"What happened?"

"That bastard had a trick on his sleeve, damn it, I didn't expect that." He growled and sat down on the chair beside of the bed, looking down at me.

"You okay, by the way?" I nodded in response without saying anything and smiled. That made Kou relieved and gestured Ruki to walk out. He seemed to understand and stepped out of the room, closing the door after him.

"What did...you do?" Kou looked up and tilted his head at the side, smiling a bit.

"I went there to confront him, things didn't go as expected, telling about you were his and all, he did all that because he marked you as his, because Karlheinz-sama did the same to Christa or whatever I have heard." He glanced towards the side and sighed.

"Karlheinz-sama raped Christa." My eyes widened again and remembered Subaru's words.

'You know, you remind me of my mother when she was raped by my dad. I was thinking about it, if I couldn't get you, why can I not make you mine? That is what my dad did to her. He claimed her his.'

That's right. He told me that. So what am I going to do? Subaru wants me. Shuu wants me too. Kou protects me from them. But he can't do it forever, sooner or later, he will fail and lose me to them. But Kou is stubborn, so...How?

So sorry for a sucky chapter, gomenasai >.<" But I have been tired recently xc And please, check out Broken, thank you owo But I hoped you liked this chapter, if you want more, be sure to leave a comment below and take care cx 

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