Info About the Characters

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A/N: Oh god, you have no idea what I am going through right now, I read a prank on FB and I wanted to try it out, it makes your screen upside/down or at the sides, so I tried it out, now my screen is upside down and I am writing like normal xD All you have to do is to push down the CTRL+ALT key together with some free 'arrows' on the your keytable. Try it out if you want to xD It is sort fun, you can try it to prank your friend. But when you have your screen upside/down and when you are writing, it's like you are writing in Russian o.o" But very well, then, enjoy this info ^^


Name : Yamada, Akio
Nicknames : 'Tiny', 'Aki-chan'
Meaning : Bright Boy
Age : 17
Place : Tokyo, Japan
Race : Human

Background/Family : His family died in a car crash, after that, he was planned to live with his aunt, but she couldn't afford to have him around (Because of her drinking problem and wouldn't even dare to harm him) So since then, she placed him in a orphanage.

Interests : He really loves to write, go to the school ( Of course ), create music and being alone, so he can think for himself.

Habits : When Kou shows up from nowhere and scares Aki-chan for no reason, that he is very clumsy

The best treasure he has kept : His amulet, he keeps it very dearly, because there is a picture on his family there.

Appereance : Light, brown, messy hair, chocolate-colorued eyes and pretty tall (1.70 m)

Specific scars : He has one on the right side on his chest when he was tortured in the orphanage during an young age.

Hair colour, hairstyle : Pretty messy hair, light-brown hair

Clothes : Just like ordinary clothes, but little bit more sloppy, like over-sized t-shirt and baggy jeans.

Occupation : He still studies at Ryuotei Academy

Dreams : He really wants to be a composer

Further problems : He got some obstacles in the way

Specific talent : Pretty high IQ (175) Very good at writing music

Lacks: He is very, very clumsy sometimes

Misc : He is together with Mukami Kou and lives alone

Name : Adachi, Hiroshi
Nicknames : Hiro-kun, Hat Guy
Meaning : Generous
Age : 17
Place : Tokyo, Japan
Race : Vampire

Background : Nothing much about his past, he lives in a house together with his parents and little sister. 

Interests : He really loves to read, as we saw in Chapter 1 when he was reading Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens.

Habits : He hates when he gets irritated or angry somehow. He is also sort of clumsy and very shy in front of girl, especially in front of Yui.

Best treasure : His signature hat. He loves it very much and holds it dear. He got it from his father during a trip in France when he was in a young age.

Appeareance : He has a slight, raven black, messy hair, most of the hair on the left side (See picture on chapter 1 for more details) Very grey eyes, having earrings both of his ears and hairpins who holds up the hair at the side. He also wears glasses.

Clothes : Ryoutei Academy school outfit, when he has day offs, he has most t-shirts and jeans with sneakers.

Occupation : Still at Ryoutei Academy.

Dreams : It depends,  an author or a composer.

Lacks : Being social with girls, he either blushes or doesn't speak at all. Feeling sorry for him for some reason xD

Specific talent : He has also high IQ (175) 

Misc. : Nothing much really, he is in love with Yui (Who is together with Ayato, sadly) 

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