1 - Familiar Face

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A/N: Now, the real story is starting right now xD Hope you will enjoy it as much as I will do, enjoy :3 Warning: It will little bit of a sloppy chapter xD You know, writing it ^^"


Akio's P.O.V

I stood in front of the gate and tried to figure out why I was doing here. Oh of course, I needed a place there I could study in peace, but this? I looked up at the sign and frowned.

"Ryoutei Academy, huh?" I raised one of my eyebrows and stepped inside. Everything was decorated nicely, it looked really expensive. I sighed again and walked towards the reception.

"Sumimasen, but I am new here, I think the principal has told you about my arrival." The young woman behind the desk looked up from her computer and tilted her head at the side.

"Name please." She said and looked down at the computer.

"Yamada Akio." She nodded and started to type on the computer, she sooner raised herself up from the chair and walked to the drawers, looking after papers and stuff and handing them to me.

"Enjoy your time here, Yamada-kun." She said before returning back to her computer. I looked down at the schedule and studied the lessons, it seemed pretty fair enough, starting at 18.00 to 00.00, good, then I will have time after school to study when everyone is home. I started to walk towards the first lesson, Math. Yet, did I not understand why I attented to a night school, bet this is the only school left in this town. 

As I walked into the classroom, there were some few people standing in a corner talking to each other, some others were in the middle of the classroom and more. Well, what could have happened? I walked towards my bench and sat down, placing my stuff out on the table, a young boy, around my age sat beside of me and read a book, I looked at him curiously and smiled.

"Is that Oliver Twist you are reading?" The boy looked up from the book and gazed at me with his grey eyes, smiling.

"Yeah and I guess you are Charles Dickens reader?" I nodded fast and grinned.

"I almost have every single book of his in my house, but there is one I am missing." I pouted and laid my head at the table. The boy laughed and patted on my shoulder.

"I am sure you will get it someday, I mean, who can survive without Charles Dickens right?" He stretched out his hand and smiled gently.

"Hiroshi is my name, yours?" I grabbed his hand and shook it lightly.

"Akio, Akio Yamada." I smiled and heard the door open, I saw how Hiroshi's eyes widen before growling and looking away. 

"What's the matter?" I tilted my head at the side and itched back of my neck.

"Take a look of yourself." I turned my head towards the door and saw a young man with blonde hair and same school outfit, but with different accessories, some of his hair was pulled into a pony tail on his head and had different eye colours.

"I swear I have seen him before."

"Hello everyone and especially you, Hiroshi, see, how is my homework doing?" The blonde grinned and laid down his hands at Hiro's table. Hiroshi snorted and glared at the boy.

"I won't finish it for you, it's hundredth time you are asking about your own homework, let me tell about one thing, I won't do it! It's not like I am worrying about your grades or anything, the worst could happen to you is that you will be expelled and you will lose your loving fans." He exclaimed and raised himself from the table, staring into the blonde's mis-matched eyes. The boy blinked few times before turning back, sighing.

"Fine, I will do my damn homework, freak." He mumbled and spun away from two of us. 

"Freak?! Who are you calling freak? You are pathetic, stupid, lazy and doesn't even work on his own, because his fucking career!" He yelled after the blonde and he stopped in his tracks. My eyes widened and gazed at the dramatic scene in front of me. Career? What does he mean about career?

"My career? So what you are saying is that my career is the problem around? You know, I never expected any foul words from your tiny mouth." The blonde grinned and grabbed Hiroshi's collar, pulling him towards the blonde.

"Don't you ever insult my career." He growled and pulled back his other hand, to throw him a punch.

"No, stop!" I exclaimed and stopped before he got the chance. Hiroshi stared at me in confusion and the other, just, stared at me.

"What is the point with all this fighting? It won't even help, so stop, please!" The blonde released Hiroshi's collar and stared at me.

"Aki....-chan?" He said confused. I almost dropped my jaw and it was my turn to stare back.


Muahaha, leaving you with that for now, so how do you like the story so far? Please, leave a comment below and take care :3 Besides, the picture at the side is Hiroshi cx

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