10 - The First Bite / The First Time

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A/N: Not even updating, so sorry, I have been updating my new story 'Promises', please, check it out cx ^^" You don't have to, but it would be kind of you. Thanks and besides, it would be lemon in the last part of this chapter c:< Enjoy :3


Akio's P.O.V

So this is supposed to be his house, huh? I stood outside of the Mukami Mansion and stared at it. I swear, it even looks smaller or bigger than the Sakamaki mansion. I took a deep breath and stepped towards the door.

Here goes nothing. I raised my and knocked on the big door, I stood there and hesitated for a moment, why did I come here? Oh, it was because of our homework, we didn't even finished it today, god damn it! Why, Kou? Why did you have to space out today? I snapped out of my daze and looked when the door opened, behind it, a tall young man in sloppy outfit, hair pulled up into a ponytail and tall, very tall. (Note: Akio is 1.70 m tall and Yuu-chan is 1.90 m xD)

Jesus Christ, he is like 20 centimetres taller than me. 

"What's your business here?" He said, looking bored down at me and munched one of the sugarcubes he held in his hands. I shook my head and looked up, meeting his brown, glaring eyes.

"U-uhm, w-well, I was just wondering if Kou is home." I replied, hesitated for the moment and bit my bottom lip, he raised one of his eyebrows and grabbed my collar.

"Are you sort of a fan to him?" I quickly shook my head and waved with my hands.

"No, no! We got paired up in school and need to finish our homework." I pulled up the sheets from my other hand and showed it to him, he studied it before releasing me.

"Get in, Tiny." He said while he pulled me inside of the mansion and closed the door. Wait, did he just call me...Tiny? I mentally glared at him and started to walk upstairs.

"Thanks." He stopped in his tracks and looked back at me.

"You remind me of someone, someone I have met before..." I made a smile and waved with my hand.

"Maybe you are confusing with someone else, excuse me." I quickly said before I rushed towards the room and opened the door.

"Sorry for barging right in." I closed the door after me and looked around, no one was seen in sight. I sniffed in the air and raised my eyebrows. It smells sweet, like candy in here.

"Kou?" I searched around the room and stopped, I saw him outside in the balcony, staring into thin air, I sighed and walked out.

"Kou, excuse me, but we have to finish our homework." I put my hand on his shoulder and shrug him a little bit, he glanced back and raised his eyebrows.

"Sure." Was the word he only responded with and walked back inside with me. I glanced at him and started to worry. I didn't even know why I started to worry, but I just realized Kou was in love with me and the same thing goes for me too. I was afraid to confess, it has been 10 years since what happened back in the orphanage. We sat down onto his bed and started to write.

"Kou?" Finally breaking the silence and looked at him.


"Why did you space out today? You didn't really focus on the assignment we got today." He looked up from his paper and stared at me in shock, his gaze looked down again and sighed.

"It's nothing, Akio, it's me being tired, that's all." He chuckled and kept writing. It was my turn to raise my eyebrows and put away the homework.

Childhood Memories - Kou Mukami Fanfic (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now