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It was like a nightmare was coming true, but at the same time it was like a long-awaited wish was coming true. My mother's name was right there on the list, on the list with supernatural creatures living in Beacon Hills. Living! Not dead, living.

Scott and Kira were long gone, but I was still sitting there on the ground with the stupid paper in my hands. Stiles was right next to me on his knees, trying to read me, but my facial expression was just empty. I didn't know if I was feeling happy, confused, or sad. I had no idea. 

"I wanted to tell you right after we decoded it," Stiles said carefully, scared that I'd be angry with him just like Malia was at the time. 

"I know. I could've known sooner if I had let you talk," I gulped and finally looked at him. "Does this mean what I think it means?"

"I'm not so sure, but I think so... I hope so."

I nodded, more to myself than to him and stood up. "I have to talk to your Dad."

"Why?" Stiles asked confused as we were walking to the vault's exit. "Why my Dad?"

"If this is real. If she's really alive, then maybe he can help me find her. She has to be somewhere here in Beacon Hills. But why here? Was she here the whole time?"

"Come on, then let's go and find him, so we can find out."

Stiles had his hand on my shoulder as we were approaching the parents and students back outside. It was strange, they were hugging and happy that their children were okay. It was strange because now, I could maybe do the same thing again. Just maybe. 

Once Noah saw Stiles, he came running towards us and hugged his son first, whispering to him that he was happy that he was okay. Then he hugged me. "I'm so glad that nothing happened. Lydia over there had a bad feeling. A really horrible feeling. And you guys know what it usually means."

I smiled at him as I pulled away, but the smile faded soon. I grabbed the list and handed it to him. "I think, I need your help with something."

"With what?"

"So I can maybe hug my mom again," I answered and pointed to her name. Noah went through that list and widened his eyes as he read her name. "Are you sure that this is your mother?"

"Dad, I don't think that there's another Gabriele Dawn with supernatural powers somewhere in Beacon Hills. It has to be her Mom," Stiles replied for me. 

Noah nodded and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, leading me to his car. "All right. Then let's find her."

As I drove with Noah to the station, a hundred of thoughts were running through my mind. Why didn't she say anything? Why didn't she look for me? Why have I never heard a thing from her? Then there were those thoughts if she even wanted to see me. After all those years, maybe she wanted a fresh start. Maybe she didn't want to reach out for me. Also, was she even going to recognize me? It's been so long. I was still a kid when I saw her last. You can change a lot in ten years. I've spent more years without her than I have spent with her. 

"Hey, it's going to be okay," Noah said, realizing that I was deep into thoughts. He patted my knee, signalizing that we made it to the station before he hopped out. Stiles was right behind us with his jeep and parked it right next to Noah's. I followed him inside. The police station was quite empty. Most of them were still at school, or on patrol. It was just the lady at the front and two deputies in the bullpen. 

"Alright, you two, sit down. I'll make some calls," Noah said once we were in his office. Stiles dropped on the couch, but I couldn't. I couldn't stand still. Not right now. Noah grabbed his phone and dialed a number, waiting for them to pick up. 

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