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"Oh Liam!" Stiles groaned as he got down the stairs. "Go home!"

I followed Stiles down the stairs and found Liam standing there at the front door. "You're not coming with us," I agreed Stiles and folded the shirt that I had grabbed from Scott's rooms. Stiles was looking through his drawer, trying to find something that smelled the most like Scott. Well, he found a shirt in the damper. It smelled awful, and I told him that I wasn't going to smell that.

After we found out thatt Scott and Kira were probably taken by Kate and the Berserkers, we as in Stiles, Lydia, Derek and I stayed up all night. We knew that we had to go to Mexico, but we couldn't go there without a plan. But unfortunately, we didn't come up with one. So we decided to go there and see what was going to happen.

Since Derek had lost his powers, just like I had before I died, I told him to stay here. But of course, he was arguing with me during the whole night, saying that he could still fight like a werewolf.

So once the sun was rising, we decided to get a few things before we were going to head off to Mexico.

"Why not?!" Liam shouted back at us as we were trying to walk past him.

"Yeah," Stiles agreed. "And I don't feel like driving all the way down to Mexico just to have you rip my throat out."

"You can lock me up, right?" Liam begged with his puppy eyes. "Chain me down to the back seat or something?"

"You tore through the last chains, remember?" I asked him with my eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, we would have to freeze you in carbonite to get you down there."

"Okay, then where do we get carbonite?" Liam asked us.

I rolled my eyes at the young beta, knowing exactly what Stiles was going to say next. "Seriously?! You haven't seen it either?!"

Stiles grabbed my hand and pushed Liam to the side, trying to get out of Scott's house, but Liam grabbed my other hand, stopping us from leaving him behind. "Wait! What if we put me in the trunk?"

"You'd get out of that, too," I said.

"Liam, you've been a werewolf all of five minutes," Stiles said but stopped as he saw Liam expression. And I could definitely smell it. He was scared, but not scared of himself, he was scared about what was going to happen to Scott.

"You don't have to do this," I whispered to him and gave him a reassuring smile.

"I know I don't, but I want to... There's got to be bigger chains, a bigger trunk or something."

"There has to be," I replied and looked at Stiles.

"You really want to take him with us?"

"Stiles, Scott may be the Alpha of our pack and his Alpha, but remember that I am one myself. I think that I can keep him at bay. So, there has to be a bigger trunk for him to fit into."

"There is," Stiles replied simply.

"There is?" Liam exclaimed from behind us.

"Yes, but I have to call her first."

We took Liam with us but stopped at my place first before we were going to head to Lydia and pick her up, too. Stiles and Liam were waiting in the car for me. Stiles said that he was going to call Braeden, since she was the one who could get us a bigger car.

So I opened the front door and rushed up the stairs to get to my room an grab a few things. Because to be honest, I didn't want to wear the same clothes for who knows how many days. So I just threw one or two shirts into my backpack and some other things before I headed back downstairs, but before I could even get to the front door, Mom was blocking it already.

Immortality - Stiles Stilinski [3]Where stories live. Discover now