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Months passed by, and we could finish junior year without any troubles. Like a dream coming true, there was no one was going to torture us or making our last summer together before college a nightmare. 

Stiles and I spent most of our summer holiday together, but the last two weeks, Mom wanted to get out of Beacon Hills and go somewhere we always wanted to go to when I was younger. We decided to go to New York and spent some quality time there. Ever since I was young I always wanted to move to Brooklyn. I don't know why my heart was just always drawn there. Its like Dom Kennedy once said, "If I lived in New York, I'll probably be the Brooklyn type". So when Mom and I finally made our first trip to New York, I went to town. I literally traveled borough to borough every dang day. I went to all the art places, talked with strangers, made connections and had fun. 

It was fantastic. If I wasn't so drawn to Beacon Hills, I'd be living there, definitely. But I couldn't leave my friends behind. I don't get, why I didn't really spend some time in New York when I was on the run. I was in Philadelphia, which is basically just around the corner, but I never went to New York.

So after we spent two amazing weeks in New York, we flew back on the last Friday before the first day of Senior year. There was this Senior scribe night at school, Stiles wanted to go on Sunday. 

Mom was still busy, trying to get the suitcase out of the trunk. I grabbed the bags and headed to the front door. Wit two bags hanging on my left arm, I reached for the keys in my back pocket and unlocked the front door, sighing once I headed inside. 

Something caught my attention. My body was now in full alert mode. With goosebumps on my arms, I rounded the corner to get to the kitchen, where I could hear a person's heart beat. Someone was inside, but once I saw, who it was, I could finally relax.

"Stiles?" I exclaimed and dropped my bag on the ground, wrapping my arms around his neck. Stiles pulled me tightly against his body and hugged me back. "How did you get inside?"

"I know where you keep the secret key," he laughed and pulled away. 

I smiled at him and grabbed his face, pressing my lips on his and giving him a gentle kiss. "I missed you."

"I missed you, too," he replied and kissed me again. "Let's go on a date."

"What? Like right now?"

"Yeah, why not?" Stiles asked and pulled away from me, looking at my Mom. "Would that be okay?"

"Go, I can take care of the luggage," Mom replied and grabbed my bag. 

"Thank you, Mom," I smiled at her. 

Stiles took me out for a night walk, saying that he wanted to enjoy the nature a bit. He drove to the Preserve and parked his car near the viewpoint of Beacon Hills. We walked through for at least an hour before we headed back to his car.

I took  a moment to look up at the sky, gasping at the stars that litter the night. The last year had been so brutal that we didn't get a chance to admire the world that surrounds. But now that everything was calm, and I was safe with Stiles, I could unwind and look around.

Stiles came to an abrupt stop, my shoulder suddenly stationary in front of him. It took me a few blinks to look up and understand what was going on. Before I had a chance to say a single word though, Stiles was already talking to me.

"Come on, hop up," he moved us around the front of the car, stopping in front of the hood.  

I separated myself from him, even though there was nothing I wanted more than to hold on tighter. I bent a leg to boost higher, shuffling until I ended up with my legs laying the length of the hood and my back resting on the windshield.

Immortality - Stiles Stilinski [3]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora