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"So what's going on?" I asked Stiles as we entered the Sheriff's office. Scott was still inside with baby Derek, trying to get him to trust us, but apparently, he wasn't doing so good.

"He won't come with us unless we tell him where his family is," Stiles replied easily.

I sighed and smiled at Scott, telling him that I got this and sat next to Derek. "And who is she?!"

"Hey Derek. My name is Amber. I'm a friend of Scott and-"

"Are you a werewolf, too?"

"Yes, I am and I'm here to help you, okay? I don't know what these two have told you already. But you have to come with us, okay?"

"I want to know where my family is first."

I took at look at Scott who was nervous as hell before I turned back around to Derek and stared right into his eyes. "They're fine. There was an accident. Your house caught fire, but they're fine. We'll bring you to them, okay? But first you have to come with us, yeah?"

Derek gulped before he finally nodded.

"Okay, then let's get you out here," I mumbled and stood up, telling Noah to come inside. Derek had to sign some papers before they could release him. Scott and Stiles wanted to wait outside, but I decided to stick with him, so I could have better control over him. An officer gave him the papers which he signed before we went outside and met Stiles... alone without Scott.

"Where's Scott?" I asked frustrated since I didn't want to be alone with Stiles.

"He said he's got an idea how to get Derek's memories back. We'll have to wait at his place for him. Kira and Lydia will be there, too," replied.

"Okay," I sighed and opened the passenger door of Stiles's jeep and helped Derek to climb into the back.

The whole ride to Scott's house was awkwardly silent. All of my thoughts were somewhere else. I was still scared to meet people that I loved. What if more people were reacting the same way Stiles did? I knew that he was pissed at me, but I didn't get why he couldn't be happy to see me again.

"What is going on?" Derek asked from the backseat suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Stiles questioned.

"You reek."

"Oh," I sighed. "We... um.. we used to be together. Maybe it's that what you smell-"

"Yeah, until she died and came back from the dead and decided to leave us all and not say a word about it," Stiles shot back.

"Can we not talk about this?" I begged.

"Alright, let's not talk about this ever."

"I meant now, Stiles."

"I don't care. I don't want to talk about it ever, okay?"

I sighed and leaned my head against the window next to me, hoping that we were already at Scott's place, so I could get away from him. And only five minutes later, Stiles parked the car on the driveway up to the house, after he missed some stop signs, probably to get here as fast as he could since he wanted to get away from me as well.

Stiles opened the front door with the key that he had and got inside, "We're going to wait here for Scott. We're going to sit quietly. We're not going to call or talk to anyone."

"Can I talk to you?" Derek asked once Stiles was finished with his rambling.


"Fine good, but who's going to talk to him?"

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