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Meet me at Derek's ASAP.

It was already late when I received the text message from Lydia. I was confused. Why would Lydia go to Derek's place and why tell me to meet her there? It definitely had to be a pack's meeting. Groaning, I grabbed my pants that I had placed on my chair and put them on since I was already getting ready for bed and so I was just in my oversized shirt. I grabbed a sweater from the closet and pulled it over my head, heading to the stairs while I put it on correctly. Mom was already in her bedroom. She had to wake up early to get to work, so I tip-toed down the stairs, being extra careful, since she could hear just as clearly as I could. I grabbed the keys to her car, deciding that I could borrow it for an hour. I'd be long back and asleep before she had to wake up and get ready for work.

I made it to Derek's in no time and rushed up the stairs to get to his loft. The door was already opened and I could hear more than two voices in there. "Hey guys. What's up?" I asked and skipped down the four steps to his loft. I was met with four pairs of eyes. One, that I didn't really expect to be there. Next to Derek, Lydia and Scott was Jordan Parrish. He looked confused, just like I did and pulled his hands away that Derek had inspected just a second earlier.

"Did I miss something?"

"Haigh, another deputy tried to kill him and put him on fire, but he survived," Scott informed me. Is tased at Parrish again, processing what Scott just told me.

"You were on fire? He covered you in gasoline?" I asked the deputy who nodded.

"It's the hair and nails, isn't it?" Lydia asked, but I didn't get it. It probably had to do with something they were talking before. "The parts of the body are essentially dead."

"Well, they should be gone," Derek agreed.

"I was set on fire. All of me should be gone!" Parrish said confused.

"Not if you're like us," Scott corrected.

"Like you?"

"I don't think he's like us. Put us on fire and we're dead, but he's not," I told them, shaking my head.

"Then what is he?" Lydia asked Derek, hoping that he had the answer for that, but he shrugged. "Sorry, but I have no idea."

"But you knew about Jackson and Kira."

"This is a little out of my experience. There might be something in the bestiary. Did you try Argent?" Derek asked the young Alpha.

"I don't know where he is."

"Okay, hold on!" Parrish stopped us all. "What's a bestiary? Actually, that's not even my first question. Just... just tell me one thing. Are you all like Lydia? Are you all psychic?"

"Psychic?" Derek asked.

"Yeah, not exactly," Scott replied.

"Then what are you?"

Scott took a look at Derek, who nodded, and so Scott closed his eyes and reopened them, revealing his red eyes. Parrish's eyes widened before he looked at me. I sighed and showed him my eyes as well. Two pairs of red eyes were now looking at him. Even though his eyes were widened, he didn't seem to be shocked at all. Like he knew that there was something wrong in this town.

"I don't understand," he said and dropped on the couch, closing his eyes for a second. "What are you?"

"We're werewolves. Derek, Amber and I are. Lydia is a Banshee, she can sense things. So you were kind of right with the psychic thing," Scott tried to say as calmly as possible.

"But we're not the only ones. Beacon Hills is basically a town filled with supernatural creatures. Peter his uncle is a werewolf, too. Kira and her Mom are kitsunes, which are basically Japanese fox spirits, and Malia is a were-coyote."

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