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Once me made sure, that Liam was totally under control, Derek nodded at us and opened the back to finally get out of the van. Out of nowhere, a Berserker just stood there, right in front of Derek. It grabbed him by his collar and threw him on the ground.

I widened my eyes in complete shock. I knew that we couldn't leave this place without a fight, but I didn't think that it'd happen so fast.

My brain wasn't working that fast. The Berserker grabbed Derek again and pushed him onto a stone, hitting his face and stomach several times. And I was sure, that it stabbed Derek, too.

Mom and Braeden hopped out of the car and Braeden had her gun in her hand already, shooting bullets at the Berserker. It backed away and ran back inside La Iglesia. Derek dropped on the ground and everyone rushed out of the car.

"Derek!" I finally shouted as I realized what was really happening. I ran as fast as I could and helped Derek to lean against the stone. Blood was all over his face and somehow this situation felt so familiar. Peter and Malia had just parked their car next to ours and joined us. Braeden dropped on the ground next to Derek and inspected his wounds, that were probably not going to heal any time soon.

I grabbed his wrist and took some of his pain. His groans stopped, but he was still breathing like crazy.

"How the tables have turned," Derek chocked on his own blood while he still tried to joke.

"This is not funny," I said sternly and took some more of his pain.

"How bad is it?" Peter asked from behind me.

I backed away, showing Peter the wound on Derek's stomach. It was deep and he definitely needed an ambulance.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just get to Scott!" Derek breathed out, but no one showed any signs to leave him behind. "Just find him. We'll be right behind you!"

Braeden turned around, nodding at us. "Go."

"Go!" Derek shouted too, and tried to push me away from him. Peter nodded at his nephew and ran into the church first. Stiles hesitated to another second, but grabbed my hand eventually, dragging me away from Derek. "Hey, hey!" Derek breathed out before we could reach the entrance of La Iglesia. "Save him."

"And you!" I said and pointed my finger at him. "You don't die on me."

Derek tried to smile for me, but it faded once the pain was coming back. But before I could do anything else, Stiles dragged me into the church.

Peter was in front of us all, followed by my Mom and then Malia. Liam was right in front of Stiles and me. We ran down the ruined halls until Peter stopped suddenly. "Okay, everyone, stop, stop, stop!"

Stiles ran straight into Liam, since he didn't see it coming. Liam stumbled, but Malia held him in place. "We got to figure out where we are, then we got to figure out how to find Scott and Kira."

For the first time in my life, I agreed to Peter. He was right. We couldn't just run around there blind. Unluckily, Braeden and Scott had been in here before, but both of them couldn't help us right now. Braeden was still outside with Derek and Scott was... well, he was somewhere in here.

Suddenly, Stiles phone rang loudly, and everyone stared at him. "How do I even have service?" Stiles muttered to himself and reached for his phone. "Hi Dad," he said as he walked away.

Peter looked at us confused and raised his hands up in the air. "I'll go and check on him," I said to Peter and followed Stiles.

Stiles was walking up and down another hall. Once he saw me, his face was saying it all. His Dad was pissed. "Okay, Dad, I know you're angry."

Immortality - Stiles Stilinski [3]Where stories live. Discover now