Chapter 16

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Back at SWAT HQ
We had waited for a ransom call since we took the case but nothing had come. Until, 15:00 the following day. The demand was for the older sisters boyfriend to bring a suitcase filled with $5 million to a drop site in South LA. Russian territory. They had realised that they had grabbed the wrong girl and were willing to give her back as long as they got the ransom money. What they said was rightfully theirs. It turned out to be money that was given to the Yakuza to go through with a deal but they never fulfilled their side of the agreement and since Aaron Tom's was basically the middle man since the money was going to be laundered through his fathers company the Russians saw it as his fault. 

We were ready with all our tactical gear ad we were gathering our ammo.   When Street came up to me and asked if we could talk once the case was over. I hated not speaking to him, he was someone who I knew I could always rely on and then he was ripped away and I could tell he also missed having me to talk to. As Hondo gave us our assignments, we got into Black Betty and went to the drop site. 

We were all in position, just waiting to get the green light to move in. It was after grabbing the Russians and Aaron and making sure the girl was safe that worried me. We were debating whether we would be arresting Aaron's father and my ex for their involvement in Organised Crime or if OC were going to do the honours. It was now 15:00 and Aaron had pulled up and left his car. Arriving with the suitcase, it was now a waiting game for the Russians to appear.

There was still no sign of the Russians. Had we been given the wrong address? Or was this the Russians tactic all along? Whatever it was Aaron was getting antsy. He was pacing back and forth. I looked at Deacon who I was partnered with and said "he's getting impatient. Do you think he'll give us up by mistake?"
"I sure as hell hope not." 

"I got movement. A black SUV approaching from the south." Luca said through the comms.
"About bloody time." I whispered to myself. There were 3 men who left the vehicle. They were all packing handguns. We waited until we had seen the girl and knew that she was in a safe position to move in before we moved. Chris and Street moved to get the girl to safety while Hondo, Luca, Tan, Deacon and myself went for the 3 Russians and Aaron. 

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