Chapter 7

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Walking in with this guy felt good. My first capture as part of SWAT and all done before school finished. "I have to go." I said to Street. "No you don't." He turned round and pointed and there was a group of school kids coming towards the SWAT team. "Mommy." said a little girl running towards me. "Hopey." Lifting her onto my side. She was getting too big for this but I didn't care she was my little girl and was always going to be my little girl. Street came over and started fussing over her and she didn't try to hide like she usually would. She remembered who Street was. I was so happy that she knew someone. I turned around and saw a little girl standing with her mum. "This is Kelly." Hope said to me. "I saw you've made a friend." "Actually I called the school and explained that you work here and that Kelly was coming here after school so I asked them to let her go home with Kelly so that you wouldn't have to worry about rushing to pick her up." Luca said to me. "Thank you so much." I went over and hugged him. Street looked a bit jealous but he knew that we were working together that meant we couldn't be together again. "Mommy, is it home time yet?" "No we have to stay a little while longer. Mommy has some work to finish off and then how about we grab food on the way home I was thinking a McDonalds." Her face lit up. "Hey why don't I take you to the kitchen." Luca said trying to rope in Street. Hope tried to hide behind me. That was the shy girl I knew. "Oh she's acting shy again. Hey why don't you go with them and maybe Street will join you." She took Street and Luca by the hand as they led her to the kitchen. I smiled as they walked away. Everyone else came up to me saying how cute she was and asked a few questions about her but none asked about her father. I was thankful they never asked because I would have never got Hope home anytime soon and I could tell she was getting tired. Once we arrived home it was around 8 and by the time she finished eating her food it was close to 8:30. I thought I would reward her and put a film on for her. Of course she chose her favourite. Scooby-Doo. She loved anything to do with Scooby-Doo and dogs. She was obsessed. Not long after the film started we were cuddled up on the couch and she started to drift to sleep. What a day it had been. Actually what a week it had been. 

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