Chapter 15

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Chris and Carson
"So what's this about cause I've got an appointment in half an hour."
"Well you might be a bit late. We need information from you about why your girlfriends sister was kidnapped by Russians in front of her school." Chris asked."
"I dunno.""
That's not an answer smartass. Your dad funds her sisters education, while your running around playing wannabe gangster."
"I can't tell you anything."
"Why not cause it will land your ass in jail or because you actually care about this girl and her family."
"Because what I say could end up getting everyone involved killed including your daughter. Yeah I know who you are." Carson felt like she couldn't breath had her ex actually put their daughter in harms way. 

Street and Tan
"Edward Toms?"
"Yes, this be very important if your pulling me out of a very important meeting."
"Yeah it is." Tan said.
"We're here to talk about your son's girlfriend and her sister."
"What about them?"
"The sister was kidnapped this morning in front of her school. While we had colleagues talking to your son." While Street said before getting interrupted by  Mr Toms.
"Legally you can't talk to him without an adult present."
"He's over the age of 18 yes we can." Tan said."
"As I was saying, your son seems to be very in with a very dangerous organised crime organisation. Why would that be Mr Toms?"
"They have a big stake in our company, my problem not his." He said as Carson's ex walked past them outside of Mr Tom's office.
"I had a major gambling problem when Aaron's mom died and I didn't realise I was gambling with the Yakuza casinos so instead of them taking the debt back in other ways they took some of my share in the business so they technically own 30% of the business so they launder money through the company.
"By doing that you know everyone who works in this company becomes an accomplice to the crime." Tan says
"Yes I know that's why were planning on getting rid of the company and starting a new one once I 've payed back my debt. Luke's done everything he could to help me but he's got a young kid to worry about and before he realised this is what I got the company into he started a petition for full custody of his kid because he barely saw her but that's his own fault he chooses work over Hope most the time so she'd end up back with her mother who does the best she can but she's not got the money he has so the kid lives two different lives with the parents. While I jeopardise my son as he does a lot of work for the Yakuza to help get rid of my debt with them."
"Thanks that will be all for now we will reach out if we have more questions."
"No problem you know how to reach me."
As Street and Tan left Mr Tom's office they walked past Luke, Carson's ex.
"Not today keep moving." Tan said as he was pulling Street away from him before he started a fight with him about putting Hope and Carson at risk all because his partner was an ass.

New update- yay seems like a while since I updated this story but I've been planning how the next few chapters were going to go before creating this one so hopefully it all flows. 
I also have some new stories coming out that I'm really excited about so please read if they interest you. If anyone is interested I'm going to give special previews of this book and a few others just comment or pm me if you would like previews of the chapters that will be coming soon. 
Thanks hope you enjoy the rest of this book. It shouldn't be coming to an end for another while but hopefully you enjoy what's to come. 

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