Chapter 19

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"How we doing?" Hondo came and asked me and Street.
"Trying our best but the problem is we need to take our time so we don't tip off the hostage takers but the problem is we don't have time." Street replied.
"How close are you guys to getting access?"
"Either 5 minutes or 5 hours." I said. "It's a tricky system, one wrong move and everything could go pear shaped." 
"Ok, let me know when you get somewhere."
Click after click after click and still we were getting nowhere. Not just me and Street but everyone else on the team. Without the security footage, the team wouldn't be able to identify who the people were who had the hostages and without that either SWAT would be going in blind or we'd risk the life of anyone of the hostages. Then we hear what we needed to get the case moving.
"Got something" Chris shouts from across the parking lot.
She heads over to a table to put the tablet down on. 
"I found building plans from 2016. There a bit out of date but there has been no apparent updates since then. I was told that the dance was being held in the ballroom in the left side of the building but the kids were able to wander to the right side for the bathroom."
"So the kids could have ended up anywhere in the hotel." Deacon says.
"Yeah pretty much." Just as Chris was finishing my tablet beeped. 
"You get something." Chris asks me as I reach for it.
"Yeah I just got access to the security feed but its hopeless."
"Someone's turned off all the cameras." We felt like we were back at square one. 
"We need to find something soon or else we are going to have to explain to parents why their children aren't coming home." Hondo said and we all rushed off to try and find something. 

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