Chapter 13

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Me and Chris went to question the boy while Street and Tan went to question the boys father which meant they could end up running into my ex which wasn't a promising idea. 

Carson and Chris.
Me and Chris went to question my exes partner's son who was involved with the missing girls older sister. 
"So how's it going with the custody battle?"
"Not good but with this case it could swing it in my favour especially if one of his companies is related to organised crime."
"He might end up doing time if he has any involvement what so ever."
"I know and that's not fair on Hope but if he did do something wrong he should do his time. It's hard enough that I'm not there the now as often as I use to be but now her dad might not be there for I don't know how many years that will be really hard on her."
"What about your boyfriend? Any news on when he's coming home?"
"Another 3 months before he's home. This is the first time he's been away on a tour since we've been together but I'm doing alright."
"What about Hope how's she coping?"
"She's alright with it. She understands that it's his job and they haven't spent much time together but he dotes on her and she loves him. Sometimes I think more than she loves her real dad."
"Where's he based?"
"Camp Pendleton."
"That's not that fair."
"Yeah I use to live close to Pendleton before I joined SWAT. We met in a bar not far from there."
"Any idea what's going to happen when he gets home."
"I don't know but hopefully this custody battle will be over with and we can try and move on."
"Does he have any family close by?"
"Yeah he has 2 sisters who live closer to San Francisco but one is currently doing her year abroad at uni and the other one is travelling. She just graduated a few weeks ago. His parents live there too but their planning on moving to Beverly Hills for their retirement in a couple of months."
"They must be well off if they can move to Beverly Hills."
"They are. They own like 10 hotels or something like that. Their friends are a who's who of businessmen and women and massive celebrities."
"Met anyone interesting?"
"No not my scene or his. That's why he joined the marines to try and stay away from that scene."
"How does his family feel about that?"
"They were very distant at first but now they've kind of accepted that this is what he wants. They tried to let him have his way after what happened to his older brother."
"What happened to him?"
"His parents prepared him to take over the family business. Which he wanted but he hid a secret from them that destroyed their relationship."
"What was it?"
"That he was a party boy. Alcohol, drugs anything you can think of he did."
"What happened?"
"He had an overdose a few years ago. He didn't make it. They didn't find his body till 3 days later."
"I can't even imagine that."
"Yeah he was always a high achiever, they began to think the stress was getting to him but he was one that kept it to himself and never told anyone what they were feeling."
The rest of the car ride was silent. Well how do you talk about anything else when you tell someone that. It was the same when he first told me about it. His family absolutely adored Hope. Anytime they were in town they always spoiled her. Even more than her dad did which I thought was impossible. His mum was coming to town for the week. She had planned it before they found out he was going away on tour, she just thought of it as a way to spend time with Hope and get to know me better which I didn't mind. They always gave me my space when I was first introduced to them cause they couldn't believe what I had been through as a child but they were always supportive of mine and Clayton's relationship. 

Street and Tan. 
"So what's going on with you and Carson you seem to be avoiding each other lately?"
"More like me avoiding her."
"Seriously why. It's been awkward between all of us since you and her had that fight. What really happened?"
"I don't really want to talk about it."
"Street you can't keep hiding what happened."
"Why don't you ask Carson?"
"Because she doesn't want to divide the group but that's happening because no one is talking about what happened."
"She had a boyfriend and never told anyone."
"You mean the marine guy."
"Wait you already know."
"Yeah theirs a picture of them in her locker. Have you seriously not noticed that?"
"No I didn't."
"You knew her before everyone of us and you didn't know she was seeing someone. Why didn't she tell you?"
"I don't know. I think I actually just assumed because it was always her and Hope. No one else was ever mentioned."
"Maybe you need to talk to her about it."
"Yeah maybe your right."

Sorry it's taking me so long to update. I've just restarted uni and it's took most of my time lately but hopefully I'll be able to update this story at least once a week now until all my assignments start being  due which is close to the end of next month but I'll try my best to update as much a possible. 

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