Chapter 3

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The briefing room. Carson tried to stay as far away from Street as she could. He was the only one who knew everything about her. "Hey, I'm not trying to force you to do anything but you should probably talk to the team about your past. There's no such things as secrets in SWAT. I kinda found out the hard way they done a background check on me when I first arrived." "I'll talk to everyone once I'm ready, you know I have a long past with my family." Before Street could open his mouth to speak Captain Cortez entered the room and started to brief the 20 David team. "Please be careful with this." Cortez put the picture on the screen and everyone's faces dropped accept Carson. "Who is it why does everyone look so sick." Street started to fill her in "We went to arrest him like 2 days before you started." Carson jumped in "Wait so you've not caught him yet." Street continued "No not yet. But we were close to catching him. Literally if we arrived 5 minutes earlier we would have caught him. This guy's very resourceful." Hondo jumped in "He's also very dangerous. He has killed anyone who has tried to testify against him and he has also put a price on anyone's head who tries to catch him. Carson felt a shiver down her spine. "So we'll split into 2 teams and will try and bring him out of hiding." Captain Cortez said to everyone. "What about known places?" Carson said. "Why'd you mean?" Hondo looked at her confused. "Where does he usually hang out?" "There's 4 main places." Deacon said before Carson cut in. "Where's the place that there is less likely to be anyone about?" "His 3rd cousin has a cabin not far from one of the campsites but it's closed the now for renovations but hasn't been touched for 6 weeks. Permits. He use to go there every summer as a kid." Luca said. "Then we raid all the places that he usually hangs out at and leave a police presence that will force him hopefully out to this cabin. There's no danger to life." Carson gave out a carefully laid out plan like she had done something like this before. "Problem is he will have an advantage. He knows the area better than anyone here. He will most likely know the spots to hide." Carson mentioned the disadvantages to the team. "Not necessarily, I use to go there a lot when I was a kid." Deacon said.  "That's a good idea, sounds like you've done this before." Street whispered to Carson. "Kind of." Street gave Carson a surprised look. He thought she knew what she had done but in the end he had no clue. 

Later in the locker room.
It was only Street and Carson in the locker room but there was a weird energy. "Can we talk." Street wanted to clear the air with Carson. He knew they had a long history and it had to be addressed so they could work together. "Sure, what do you want to talk about." Carson said getting herself prepared for the day. "How are you?" "Seriously that's the first question you come out with how are you." "Yeah." "I'm fine, a bit nervous with what you guys have told me about this guy." "That's not what I'm talking about Carson and you know it." Street and Carson where close Street worried about Carson. "Your not my boyfriend anymore Street you don't have to look after me." Carson said pulling away from him desperate to finish this talk later. "It doesn't mean that I still don't care for you. I've known you since the day you were put into the same foster home as me and I've never stopped looking out for you. I..." "J I'm gonna stop you there before you say something that could ruin our friendship or make one of us lose our job." Carson went to leave. "At least tell me how Hope is doing. What age is she now 5, 6." Street said knowing he would get a response. Carson pulled out her phone and showed her lock screen picture to Street. It was her and her daughter. "She's nearly 8." Carson started to get emotional but before Street could ask her what was going on Carson left. 

1 hour later
It was just Carson, Chris, Hondo and Deacon in the briefing room. "Can i confess something to you guys?" Carson said to everyone that was around her. She knew that she had to talk about her past even if there was only a few in the room. "Yeah what's on your mind Carson." Hondo said he thought he knew what she was about to say. Little did he know that was only the start of what she had been through. "You may know already or may not but when I was little I was injured by a drug cartel. One that my father sort of worked for. We lived in a stash house. Me and my mum never knew this but it didn't stop me being took away from her. One night a few grand worth of drugs disappeared and for a punishment they took me away when I had just finished school when my gran was suppose to pick me up but she was ill at the time so she was asleep a lot of the time. But they hurt me as a warning to my dad if anything like that happened again he wouldn't see me again or they would kill me." Carson was getting emotional and everyone in the room could see it. Chris walked over to Carson and started hugging her. Deacon was speechless he didn't know how a dad could do that to there child. Once Deacon and Chris left the room Hondo came over to Carson. "I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm even more sorry that I didn't tell you before I knew." Carson was shocked but Street had warned her. "I'm sorry no one else knows accept for Mumford the captain of the other SWAT team. He was the one that told me. He was there the night your dad hurt your mum and I think from what he told me that was just before you were took into foster care." "Wait is this Jeff Mumford." "Yeah why." "I remember him. He was the nicest cop I ever met. It was because of him I became a cop." 

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