Chapter 1

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"There's a new member joining our SWAT team today." Hondo told his team as he was briefing them for what was happening for the day. "Where is Chris." As Street butted in. "Thought you would have learned by now Street not to talk when someone else is talking." Luca said looking disappointed in Street but then continuing "Yeah where is Chris." "If you would have let me finish she is with the new member Carson and Captain Cortez."

Chris, Captain Cortez, Hicks and Carson enter the briefing room. She is 28 years old with long ginger hair that is slowly turning to a dark shade of brown. Around 5 foot 7 and had visible tattoos on her fingers. "Everyone listen up this is Carson she will be joining the team as of today and what a day to join. You are in training this week. This is a chance for you to try new weapons and improve on different techniques. Please take it seriously." Hicks said, while emphasising the last bit to Street and Tan. 

Carson looked nervous but who wouldn't on their first day in a new job especially when it was an elite unit within LAPD. Hicks continued "Carson has just joined SWAT after passing the academy. She has 5 years experience working the streets in South LA and also 2 years undercover experience with Narcotics." The team were sent to gather their things and meet outside so they could head to the training centre together. 

Carson has an impressive resume but the team could tell she looked nervous but also anxious like she was hiding something and that something was about to appear when the team started to dig into who they were working with and when an unexpected blast from the past from Carson's past re-appears. 

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