Chapter 12

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A kidnapping case. In front of a school in South LA. A school I had spent time in when I was in  foster care. Not even 6 months. One that I spent time in before I met Street. Who wasn't even talking to me. Parents weren't rich. Both of them worked 2 jobs to support their 3 children and help pay for college fees for one of them and save college fees for the other 2. We couldn't figure out a reason for their 15 year old child who hadn't had any enemies at school or outside and got good grades. Me and Chris were to look into why someone would want to take this girl while everyone else looked into where she was being held. Which would be difficult considering their wasn't a ransom video. We looked into the parents and they had nothing that could be flagged. We couldn't find any reason why this 15 year old girl would be kidnapped. The kids at the school were all from low socio-economic backgrounds like our missing girl. We had even looked into the girls siblings and that's when we found something that was able to help us. 
"Found something on the older sister." Chris said as she entered the briefing room.
"The one at UCLA."
"Yeah she isn't there on a scholarship like her parents think she is. Her education is being funded by this guy." Chris handed me the tablet. No way I thought. This was the first case I had ever worked where it was something personal but this could be helpful for me and keeping Hope. 
"Wait you know this guy."
"Yeah he's my ex's business partner. Hope's dad business partner."
"Look who he's associated with."
"Yip Organised crime. Turns out that the company your ex and this guy runs is actually owned by the LA division of the Japanese Yakuza. Apparently the company nearly went bust a year ago and then all of a sudden they had all the money in the world to continue operations."
"Ahh money laundering but how does she fit into all of this and why are they funding her college education?" This is when it started to come together. It turns out the older sister was in a relationship with Hope's dad's business partner's son who is a part of the the Yakuza.
"That's how I think they allowed daddy and your ex to keep running their company."
"So he's a pawn in a much larger game."
"Yip but look at this." Chris pulled a photo up that was taken 2 weeks ago and it was a picture of the oldest sister and the one who had been kidnapped entering a club close to the UCLA campus that the oldest was studying at. 
"They look identical."
"I think it's a case of mistaken identity. They took the wrong girl."
"The question is who did.?"
"This group is a Russian OC group." Chris said as we looked at the video of the girl being held captive. 
"Why did they take her though I'm sure theirs higher up members of the organisation they could take so why specifically this girl, especially when her boyfriends basically a nobody in the organisation and why would they want to take someone who's part of a rival organisation without trying to ignite a gang war basically."
"Well the boyfriend isn't actually a nobody in the organisation he's actually quite high up and respected especially for his age. Relating to why the Russians would steal this girl which happens to be a case of mistaken identity apparently they had a deal with this girl's boyfriend about his father's company but broke it for some reason."
"Ok I really want to speak to him now."
"Let's tell the boys where we're going and get two of them to question this guys father while we question the son."
"Ok lets move."

Sorry it's taking me a while to update. I'm back to uni next week so I'm prepping for that but hopefully I can get a schedule in place so I can continue to update at least once or twice a week. Thanks for being patient. 

Extra bit sorry- would everyone be able to look on my conversation board and answer it would be really helpful. Thanks. 

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