Chapter 11

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"Why haven't you told me about this before but most importantly why isn't he here right now especially since you could be losing your daughter and ."
"Street I know you have a lot of questions but please calm down and I'll explain." I realised that I had hurt him and I couldn't believe that I hadn't told him sooner. He had always been there for me since I got the job. He's looked after Hope for me when I was meeting with my lawyers. 
"His name is Clayton Garner. The reason I haven't told you about him and I probably should have is that he's in the..."
"One thing does he know about everything that's going on."
"Yes but he only ..."
"Then why isn't he here Carson if he cared about you and Hope he would be here."
"He only found out about the court case yesterday because he's not in the country."
"What do you mean he's not in the country?"
"He's in the marines. He's doing a 6 month tour and I couldn't get a hold of him until yesterday. He hasn't been in our life long but he does care about us."
"How long have you been with him?"
"Not even 3 months."
"So just before you started in SWAT?"
"Yeah. He was in the bar the night I found out I got into SWAT and we kept in touch then next thing we knew we were sort of a couple."
"The only thing I don't understand is why you didn't tell me sooner."
"Street, I don't know. I don't even know what to say. When I first came here you were the only person who knew anything about me."
"Yeah I told you to be honest with everyone and that includes me."
"I don't know what you want me to say." Tan came and joined us in the kitchen. I needed some air so I left and walked outside.
"What's up?"
"You think you know someone and then you find out their keeping secrets from you." 
"Ok what happened?"
"Doesn't matter lets just focus on the case."

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