Chapter 5

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"Wait what did you say?" Street couldn't believe what Luca had just said to him. He knew Carson. She would never get arrested. "When did it happen?" Street needed answers. "About 4/5 years ago." "She was working undercover at that point so it must have related to one of her cases." Street said and then realised he had screwed up. "How do you know that?" "Emm." "Don't faf about." "I 've known Carson for years we were in the same foster home at a few points and I've kind of kept in touch with her." "You not telling me everything." "We also dated at one point that point that you arrested her. I was taking care of her daughter." "Wait, hold up. Carson is a mom." "Yeah she has an amazing kid. I haven't seen Hope in a while but she showed me a picture of her and she's so cute. She may know Kelly I'm sure their around the same age. I think they may go to the same school now since Carson's moved." "What about Hope's dad is he in the scene or are you going to tell me that she's your kid." "No she's not mine. Carson and the ex Louis share custody but anytime he usually has her he is usually on business and Carson refuses to let him take her on business with him." "Why's that?" "He doesn't like the job Carson does that's why they broke up. They tried to make it work for Hope but his job also kept interfering in their relationship as well. They try to remain friendly." "What is it he does?" "You can't tell anyone ok." "Ok." "He's a CEO of a major company. He's a billionaire. Anytime Carson moves he buys the house. I f she needs anything he gets it. I think it's him trying to make himself feel better considering he lied to Carson when they first got together and then let his job ruin their relationship." "Wait are you talking about Louis Hastings." "Yeah he's Hope's dad." Luca walked in a circle away from Street then back. "Wow what a secret." "I've told Carson to tell because I don't want anyone ambushing her with questions about him or their relationship or Hope. I know she'll introduce Hope before she tells the team anything about her relationship with Louis." "Is Louis not engaged or something." "Yeah Carson fears since she's took the job in SWAT that he may try for primary custody because it's such a dangerous job and she doesn't really have anyone accept the team which she will learn once she brings Hope by. She's probably going to bring Hope by most days after school since she has no one here to really look after her yet." "Try and find out when Hope is coming here and I'll try and get Kelly so if we get called out at least Hope will have someone to hang with." "Thanks for confiding in me that you recognised Carson but please tell her that you remember her she doesn't need to worry about the team looking at her behind her back." "Yeah sure I'll tell her once I'm alone with her and thanks for telling me about Hope it must be hard for Carson not having anyone to help with Hope." "She's had me but since I moved back to SWAT she didn't really have anyone."

Authors note:

I would like to thank beachygrace for giving me the idea about Kelly. Please check out their books as there really good and they also do some on SWAT but also Graceland if your interested in them, i recommend you check them out. I'm sorry if the book confuses some people. I know Mumford's retired now but I haven't reached that episode I've only watched SWAT to Season 2 Episode 4 or somewhere like that I'm trying to catch up before they start Season 3 in the UK. They kept delaying it. It was suppose to be on end of June but it's suppose to be starting on Sunday so I'm trying to catch up before that starts. Thanks for checking out my book on SWAT please check out any others if they interest you.

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