Chapter 6

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"Carson where are you?" Street said coming into the locker room.
"I'm here."
"Hey they've located him at the cabin looks like your plan worked."
"Yeah ok I'll be out in a minute."
"Carson what's up?"
"Nothing." I said trying to get away from Street when everything in my hands and arms fell onto the floor. 
"Let me help you."
"It's fine Street I can do it myself." When Street lifted up the item that i really didn't want him to see. 
"You weren't meant to see that." I grabbed it out of his hands.
"Hoffman and Ramsay Family lawyers." Street said handing me the document. He looked at me as if he knew what it was about. "He's not."
"He is." I almost started crying luckily Street knew how to pull me together quickly.
"Hey. Don't cry. He can't take her off you. He barely has a relationship with her." I stopped him before he could finish.
"He said if I took this job he'd petition for full custody because he thought I'd be putting her in danger." Street scoffed.
"He can't just all of a sudden want to be in her life."
"That's the problem he was in her life for the first year but then you know what happened after."
Before me and Street could finish our conversation Luca came looking for us. "Hey guys we really got to move now or we might end losing him again." Luca saw what was in my hands. I didn't feel like explaining but this is where street turned to me and said that he told Luca. I wasn't even mad, I was happy that someone did it for me.

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