Chapter 2

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10 hours later.
"Well that was a successful training day." Hondo said as the team returned from the centre they were training in. He continued "Especially since we made 4 new records." Everyone on the team started to cheer as Mumford walks in. "What are you all cheering about." Street was quick to reply with "Our team just set 4 new records, the same 4 records that was previously held by your team." Mumford didn't look happy. 
"I'll be back in a minute." Carson said to Chris as she left the room looking upset. Something had just triggered her, it had been happening all day when some of the team was introducing themselves to her. 
"What was that new girls name I swear I've seen her before." Mumford said to the team.
"Carson..." Deacon started to say until Luca jumped in "Carson Stark use to work in South LA."
"Is that where she's originally from?" Mumford replied. "Dunno we haven't really had the chance to get to know her. Trying to steal her for your team since you guys done so much better in the training." Deacon replied joking knowing that Mumford's team hadn't done that well. Mumford gave Deacon the devil eyes. "No, well not yet anyway that was only training. Newbies usually crap themselves on the first day in the field when shots are actually being aimed at them. But that's not the point the point is I'm sure I've seen her before. I just can't seem to figure where I know her from."

The Next Day.
"I know where I know Carson from." Mumford said bursting into the kitchen while Hondo was preparing himself for the day ahead. "Ok, where do you think you know her from." "It's been a while now but it was one of my last cases before I went into the SWAT academy. Carson must have been about 7 at the time. It was a domestic abuse call. There had been a few there over the years but this one was one of the worst by far. The mother had a burst lip when we arrived it probably would have been worse if me and my partner hadn't arrived when we did. Carson has changed her name since then cause her name wasn't Carson it was something like Alicia  but I remember the scar on her hand. She was hiding in her room, we ended up getting Social Services involved and the last thing I knew Carson was removed from her family and put into the foster care system. It was that serious her name was changed and she had no contact with anyone from her family. From what I heard her father was involved with a gang and their house was a stash house and apparently one day some drugs from the house went missing and as punishment they went after the little girl hence the scar on her hand. After that happened the father wasn't trusted with the amount of drugs he use to have so they started paying less so he started doing more crime to earn back their trust which sometimes included killing people that had debts with the gang or had wronged the gang so he then started drinking to mask what he was doing but the problem was he was drinking too much and then use to take it out on his wife, never touched Carson but she saw everything happen." Mumford started tearing up. "Wow, it was lucky you and your partner were there that night or something could have happened to her." Hondo couldn't believe what he had just been told. A that moment it felt like he knew he had to talk to Carson but as he went to leave the room, Captain Cortez ran into the kitchen. "Situation in the middle of Hollywood need Swat there immediately. Get both your teams to the site now." As Cortez left Hondo knew that this was Carson's chance to prove herself but he couldn't stop thinking about her childhood. 

Two Hours Later
"Wow, what a day that was, luckily we had the training session yesterday to help us out especially with the whole crowd control." Tan said as the team headed to the locker room. "I usually don't believe in training days but that was useful for once." Street said. "How'd it feel newbie to be out even if it wasn't as serious as it was first made out to be." Chris asked Carson. "I actually didn't mind that it was only crowd control. It feels like I'm being eased into SWAT that way but at least I can learn how you guys do stuff so when a major emergency hits I hopefully don't screw up." Carson replied. As everyone was beginning to talk in two's Hondo walked in with Captain Cortez then followed by Hicks. "We need all of you in the briefing room in 5 minutes." Hicks said then leaving being followed by Cortez and Hondo. "I think you spoke too soon Carson." Luca and Deacon left very quick afterwards. As Carson went to head to the briefing room with Chris she passed Street and you could feel the tension in the room. They had avoided each other for the past two days. It wasn't that they wanted to avoid each other it was how to say the things that needed to be said. "What was that about? Do you know her or something Street?" Tan said to Street. Street looked confused. Did he do something wrong? "Yeah I do know her we have a very long history."

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