Chapter 14

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Carson and Chris

"God look at this place it's massive." Chris said as we walked into the kids house.
"This hall is bigger than my whole apartment is the now."
"Maybe it's time to ask the ex for more money or ask for a house."
"Yeah right he's a cheap ass even though he make 20 times the salary we make a year and that's without his bonuses."
"Seriously he makes that much and he can't pay for his kid to stay somewhere nice with her mom."
"Well that's what money can get you. Good lawyers to get out of paying for his kid but then spoils her when she stays with him."
"Lucky him, unlucky you."
"Definitely." Just as we waited the kid we wanted came down the stairs.
"Aaron Toms?"
"We need a quick word with you."

Street and Tan

Glass revolving doors as they entered along with security.
"Look at this place has more security probably than the white house." Street said.
"That's a bit of a long shot but it does have an awful lot of security for a legitimate business." They looked at each other as they headed to reception.
"Hi we're looking for Edward Toms."
"Mr Toms is in a meeting right now but he should be done in a few minutes if you don't mind waiting."
"How about you pull him out of his meeting it's important." The receptionist phoned up.
"I'll take you up." They said as they put the phone down.

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