Chapter Thirty Nine: If I'm A Demon

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Saihara's POV:

Careful not to disturb the image being created on the wall I struggled to try and take out my phone to photograph it when I saw Kiibo waving his phone.

"Don't worry I got it" he told me knowingly, Ouma seemed confused as to what was going on.

'Everyone's been quiet now and some little gasps, what happened?' He asked, "I found a light projection, I'll tell you more about it when I get back alright?" I promised.

'Back? Back from where? Are you ditching?' Ouma asked, he even looked a bit intrigued at the idea.

"No...maybe...I don't know yet?" I answered honestly. Ouma seemed satisfied with the answer, or lack of one.

'If you do something crazy Kiibo's going to bust over and save you with rocket launchers' he promised, "wait why did you sign my name? What?" Kiibo asked confused.

Ouma just smirked, as if a silent secret passed between us, I wonder if that's what it felt like back then between DICE.

"I won't, but thanks" I told him as Kiibo kept looking at Ouma confused, "no really why? Please?" He asked as I descened down the stairs and out the door, looking over the sent picture in my messages.


It was hard to know the place I was meant to go, so I decided to be safe and print out a map of the local area, laying the image flat against the thin paper.

Glancing my phone for reference I realized the dotted map would only likely show up well if I used a light board and projected it onto it.

I didn't have anything like that, so instead I paper clipped the two pieces of paper into place and used my phone flashlight to light up the map again.

This time though with a red sharpie I circled the dots, and found it led to the nearby forest a perhaps forty to an hour walk from the school.

I recalled the people in the diary, I knew Chiasa couldn't draw and Kiibo had never mentioned Otome drawing or having an art hobby, along with Sanyu apparently favoring a different medium. So if Masako did draw this I had to wonder why?

What could have been so important she went to this length to hide it, and if it was...what kind of secret will I uncover?

The same anxiety I had felt from when I first found the diary swarmed inside of me again, I didn't know what I was getting into.

But...Ouma's smile and assurance convinced me to move forward into the forest as I prayed my battery would hold out.

I guess I was ditching.


I thought it would be just one location and that would be the end, turns out not even close.

Instead the map lead me to the forest area and I found nothing to really indicate what I was supposed to be looking for, it dawned on me that whatever I was looking for might not even exist anymore.

However just when I was about to give up a large tree stood out to me, carved into it long ago was an MM.

Curiosity took the better of me as I hesitantly climbed the tree to find a small metal box, there was only a padlock, and even some scratched marks on the box either from the weather or maybe another person who tried to force open the box.

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