chapter 2

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Its been a week since Phile started at clayview, a rather hectic week for me since i need to drive from work to fetch her from school everyday. I'm exhausted and I'm so grateful that today is friday.

Well usually on Fridays my girls and i go out for drinks. I have 3 amazing friends, Noxolo, she's married with 2 kids, we met in varsity, she studied accounting we lived at the same residence. Ntokozo, she's my childhood friend, we grew up together and our mothers are friends, we went to the same primary school, she's in a stable relationship and has 1 son, she's a pharmacist. Mpho, her and along with Noxolo lived in the same residence, she studied dermatology, she's in on and off relationships and she doesnt have kids.

Today i do not feel like going out, i just wanna have a movie date with my princess then we can both pass out in my bed. My baby is adjusting well to school and tomorrow we need to go and buy her extra curricular uniform, my baby says she'd like to enter the ballet class. I'm just glad she didnt take after me in terms of weight, she's very tiny compared to me, she's tiny and short and I still carry her because she's mummy's only princess.

I'm at work today wearing my casual jean with an orange blouse and medium block heel sandals. I'm sitting in my office then Linda walks in holding a file in her hands," Ms A, we have a new potential client, a car dealership, something we've never worked with before" i stop eating my sweets and focus on this file in front of me, for the first time since my career started, i am approached by a car dealership, not just any dealership but one of the most well known dealerships in the country. There goes my relaxing weekend, i guess I'll get started on this over the weekend.

"When is the presentation scheduled for?" I ask still paging through the file "it is due on wednesday first thing in the morning" yep, there goes my relaxing weekend. "I'll get started on it over the weekend, for now though i need to go and fetch the princess before her school calls" i say grabbing my bag and walking out the door.

I drive to clayview and find my princess looking sad, she doesnt run to me like she usually does. I pick her up and kiss her all over her face, usually she giggles when i do this but today she just buries her head on my chest. My baby isnt okay "princess ka mama, what is it?" I ask as i buckle her up on her car seat. She just faces the other way.

I know exactly what will cheer her up. I drive to the mall and we walk in straight to her favourite ice cream place,she smiles as we walk in and we grab a table for 2, she orders her favourites with extra sprinkles and chocolate syrup. I order exactly what she ordered which makes her even happier. My baby's smile just warms my heart. "Princess, how was school?" I ask her while she's pretending to read the menu in front of her , she sighs, "school was great mommy, i made another new friend her name is Mikayla" she beams as she says this, one thing about my baby, there's a new friend every single day.

"What did you learn today?" She goes back to looking sad again "we learned about superheros, Mrs Adams asked us all to tell her who our hero is, my friends laughed when i said my hero is you mummy, Mikayla says that superheroes are only dads not moms" she looks really sad, i guess this really touched her.

"Oh dont mind her baby, mommy is your superhero and she's the best superhero ever because she loves you" she smiles and we start digging into our ice cream, it hurts but it's beyond my power.

After ice cream we go for an unplanned toy shopping. After shopping we get take aways for dinner, i opted for a veggie burger and sweetpotato fries then bought nuggets for my baby. We drove home singing along to Tasha Cobbs, my baby is a singer i tell you.

When we got home we took a bath together, maMartha is away on weekends we are on our own. After our bath we both wore PJ's then had dinner before making popcorn and watching my baby's favourite movie Moana, she loves moana so much because of the songs, she enjoys singing along. She falls asleep halfway through the movie,i guess she was really exhausted. I prepare her bed for her then tuck her in, i dim the lights and leave the door slightly open.

I fetch my laptop bag then get started on research for the new presentation, first stop is their company website, i need to know as much information there is to know about them as possible. After hours of working on this presentation i finally retire to sleep.

The next morning I'm woken up by Phile jumping about on my bed, she does this a lot, kids...
I drag my feet to my ensuite with my energetic princess following after me, we brush our teeth then we say our good mornings because Ngiphile hates bad breath. "Morning mommy"she says "morning my beautiful princess", i carry her in my arms then plant a kiss all over her face, she giggles. We do our morning affirmations on the mirror before changing, i change into a sweatpants and a t shirt , she changes into a jumpsuit.

"What's for breakfast Phile?" I ask while looking through the fridge "rice creepsies!" She says, i chuckle at how she pronounces it, i take out two bowls, pour in the cereal then pour in the milk, she eats her cereal with either chocolate or strawberry flavoured milk. Which reminds me, we need to go grocery shopping today while we get her ballet attire.

We say grace then dig in.after breakfast she runs off to her playroom to attend to her dolls while i play my tasha cobbs and clean my house. After cleaning i change into a decent dress,wore my wig then headed to the mall with Ngiphile. "Mommy are we getting pink ballet clothes?" One thing about my baby, she's obsessed with the colour pink, everything in her life has to be pink in order to assure her that it belongs to girls. I chuckle and nodd my head, we bought everything that we needed before driving to our hair salon which is in Brynston. "Ngiphile and her mother finally grace us with their presence" Ntabi says, shes our hairdresser whom we havent seen in months. "I've been busy hle Ntabi" she laughs, I decide to cut my hair and dye, my baby has a rich long afro so they unbraided her then braided her simple neat cornrows.

I know how to maintain my baby's hair by braiding it but sometimes i get so lazy so its better with Ntabi around. After our salon date we drive to Khulu's house as my baby calls my dad. We get there and she doesnt even knock, princess let's her self in. "Khulu" she shouts as soon as we are inside, haiibo i did say that my baby is a little sassy diva. My mum rushes from the kitchen "Phile Phile ka Gogo" ngiphile runs to my mum and engulfs her in a hug, "Gogo!" Then she starts go on about her new school, i leave them there discussing whatever it is that Phile would like to talk about.

I walk around the house looking for my dad. We ended up spending the night at my parents place because Phile never wants to leave when shes around my parents

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