chapter 9

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It's friday today and I've taken the day off,i miss spending time with my baby. I woke up early and cleaned my house plus did our laundry, maMartha is off , i gave her today off as well since I'm home. I cleaned out my carboards, our closets, each and every room, i changed the bedding, the curtains and  placed carpets since winter is approaching.

Cleaning is therapy for me, lately I've been thinking about Zweli a lot and i hate it because it feels like he's trying so hard to break my walls and a part of me is already melting, i hate that, i honestly dont see myself with a man in my life.

I'm dressed in tights and a baggy t shirt with no shoes on, i applied calamine lotion on my face, one thing about me, i hate sleeping with a headwrap on,and whenever i try sleeping with bonnets they come off because i sweat quite a lot so I'm wearing old stockings on my head. Princess walks into the sitting room while I'm still removing the curtains there, singing along to spirit of praise volume 6.

Now one thing about Phile, when she wakes up and finds that I'm around, she turns into a little baby, she demands that i carry her in my arms until she's fully woken up. So i get off from the chair that i was standing on and sit on the couch while lowering the volume. "Morning princess" she is rubbing her eyes looking all cute with her pouty lips. "Morning mommy". She puts her head on my chest, "slept well?" She shakes her head in disagreement , "Whats wrong baby?" She yawns, "your singing mommy" i chuckle and put her on the couch.

"Cereal or bread?" I just asked the most indecisive person what she'd like to have for breakfast and i know I'm going to regret this because she's about to give me a long list of demands. "Rice creepsies, please put warm milk like Khulu does, please ask gog' maMartha how she puts the syrup in the rice creepsies" see, i told you.

I prepare her breakfast to her specifications, i leave her downstairs to eat while i run her a bath and take out clothes for her. I picked leggings and a sofia the first T shirt because i know she loves sofia she wont give me problems wirh wearing this t shirt together with leggings, my baby hates pants and leggings.

She walks upstairs then i bathe her, and unbraid her hair. I wash her hair, dry it up then dress her up. She goes to her play room while i continue cleaning.

It suddenly starts raining, well I'm done cleaning I'm now ironing all the items that i washed including curtains and bedding, I'm in the living room ironing there because i want to catch up on the few episodes I've missed on catfish the TV show. While ironing, my intercom rings, well my parents would've called if they were coming and the security at the gate would've informed me if it was anyone else so who could it be.

I open up and i couldnt believe my eyes, Zweli stands there holding what looks like a picnic basket and a blanket. "What are you doing here?, most of all how did you get here?" I ask looking at him with shock all over my face. "I'm freezing out here and I'm not sure if you can see but its raining,please let me in I'll explain everything later"

As soon as he says that, it dawned to me that this man is dripping wet. I quickly step aside and let him in. I rush to the bathroom to fetch towls and hand them to him. He thanks me then i lead the way to the sitting room. I hand him a chair because theres no way I'm letting him wet my couches.

"So?" I ask with my arms across my chest and my eyebrow raised. "How are you Ms A" he says with a smirk on his face. I look at him blankly to show him that i mean business. "Well i figured since you didnt want to go on a proper date with me,I'd bring the date to you, when i got to your office i was told that you were not in today so i had to pull a few strings to get your address then the rain happened which ruined everything i had planned" I'll admit, this is very thoughtful of him and no one has every done something like this for me. But then again i don't want him to go through all this for me. Maybe its time i set the record straight with Zweli.

"look Zweli, I like you and i think you're a really great guy, but I'm just not ready for a relationship, i cannot offer you what you are looking for" he shoots me a questioning look, "and you happen to know what I'm looking for?" I keep quiet.

"look, Amanda, at least a friendship? Please, i really enjoy your company and I'd love to have you in my life even as a friend" he seems sincere but men will always be men, i cannot let this continue "i cant, please leave Zweli" he looks at me briefly before standing from his chair to take his things before Phile walks down the stairs, no actually, she runs down the stairs as usual "uncle Zweli!!" She runs into Zweli's arms.

"Hey Princess", he carries her and spins her around, she giggles. "Uncle Zweli, why are you Wet?" She asks looking concerned "well princess, when i got here it was raining outside" she looks at me and i know trouble is about to follow. "Mommy let's make soup for uncle Zweli,just like how gogo makes soup for Khulu when he is sick" Zweli flashes me a mischevious smile.

"But baby, uncle Zweli isnt sick, right Uncle Zweli?" I shoot him a stern look "well princess, my neck is a bit sore" he fakes a cough, then looks at me and winks, i find myself smiling as his mischief. Princess runs upstairs to wear her shoes, now I'm left here with Zweli. "By the way, you look beautiful" i know he's mocking me because I'm still in calamine lotion and dirty clothes. "Haha very funny" he chuckles, "honestly, you look like how a wife should look like" i shoot him a death stare, he chuckles.

Well we made soup for zweli like princess ordered, the rain stopped then zweli drove to his place to change and i used the opportunity to quickly freshen up, i opted to wear black skinny jeans, a grey croptop hoodie, socks and slippers, i combed my mini afro. He came back then Phile suggested that we all bake a cake, princess was so happy she has been blabbing the whole time. She finally drags Zweli to the sitting room to watch sofia the first and i take this time to clean up my messy kicthen and prepare lunch.

I opted to cook something quick and easy so i made lamb chops, gravy and creamy mashed potatoes with chives and cheese. While dishing up Zweli walks into the kicthen and stands opposite the counter while i dish up. "Phile fell asleep so i took her upstairs to her bedroom, i hope you dont mind" i just smile at him, this is going to be awkward now I'm left with Zweli, chatty Phile is asleep and lord knows i suck at keeping conversations.

At my office its better because him and i get to talk about work or gossip about the staff and worst part is that I've already dished up. I place the food  on the sitting room table, he sits while i fetch the jar of juice, glasses and utensils, before we eat i say grace then we dig in. He seems to be enjoying the food because i keep stealing glances at him until he catches me doing so. I quickly look away and he chuckles.

My the heck am i suddenly feeling this way. After eating he says his goodbyes. "Uhm Ms A, is there leftovers by any chance?" He says while scratching the back of his head, i chuckle and lead him to the kicthenn , i then dish up for him in different containers, pack everything in a shopping bag then hand it to him. Our hands touch as i hand him the bag, he looks into my eyes but i quickly rush to open the door for him.

He finally leaves and now i get to be alone and think about today, i actually enjoyed having someone else besides my parents or friends around the house, Phile enjoyed it too. Zweli is actually great company. Maybe mom was right, maybe i should give this a chance.

Phile woke up extremely grumpy when she noticed that Zweli left. We tried calling him but his phone rang unanswered, he's probably spending time with his girlfriend, theres no way a man like Zweli could be single right?

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