chapter 27

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Its friday morning and I'm preparing the kids for school while i also get ready to go for viewing of the office building that I'm hoping to buy. I'm going to dress formally because i believe how you dress has an impact on how people address you and also my mum taught me that first impressions last.

I'm dressed in a black body hugging dress which has long sleeves, a fawn brown sleeveless coat which is about the same length as my dress, i leave the coat untied, paired my outfit with black suede block heels, I tied a headwrap over my afro in a way that the hair still appears at the top meaning the headwrap doesnt cover all of my hair, i properly laid my edges before walking downstairs for a quick bowl of oats, honey, banana's and strawberries. Well thats Buhle's favourite meal for breakfast so we've all had to adjust to it. After our meal we all head up while doing a checklist to make sure that no one forgot any of their important things.

Its my turn to lead prayer there after we drive off. "Uncle Zweli will be fetching you guys from school today for aunt Bontle's birthday celebration" Phile shoots me an inquisitive look which i just dismiss by looking away "yayyy!" Buhle exclaims while dancing in his buckled up car seat. I just smile at him from the rearview mirror.

We get to Phile's school first then she kisses my cheek,"goodbye mommy,i love you" these moments fill my heart with joy "by Buhle, i love you" Buhle waves "bye Sisi" he says, well my mother taught Buhle from as early as 9 months to call Phile as sisi and not by her name so since then Phile has always been sisi. We drove him to preschool. I accompanied him in. When we got to the door he waved goodbye avoiding that I'd kiss him, i pulled him into my arms and kissed him, he just giggled while wiping his cheeks, this child grows to look more like his father everyday. His flawless caramel skin, his bushy eyebrows and dimples.

I drive off to the building which is in Grayston. I fixed myself as soon as i got there before walking in. The building is still occupied by what looks like a call centre. I contact the agent as soon as i get to the reception. "Ms Mthethwa, Hi,I'm Thandeka Mhlongo, come with me as i show you around the building" she's the agent. We move around every floor and I'm impressed, the building has been well maintained over the couple of years and it doesnt need much work. It has 5 floors and the top floor is all occupied by the Top management. We take a lift to the fifth floor and to my surprise the lift opens straight into the office.

We walk in and i admire the decor, it is dark but complimented well with the light from the big window overlooking sandton city. The theme of the office is dark burgandy with a touch of red and a bit of brown, the wooden floor match with the expensive looking wooden table but the decor needs work considering that I'm running an events company so it needs more earthy colours.

I'm disturbed from my thoughts when someone clears their throat, he is standing on the far end of the office looking outside the window on the other end of the office, dressed in grey ankle grazer turned up pants, a white t shirt and brown shoes. He walks over to where i am standing "can i help you?" He doesn't even greet, he's rude. "Actually no,I was here to view the place thats all" Thandeka shows up,"sorry sir we didnt mean to intrude but Ms Mthethwa here came over to view the building" all this while Thandeka is talking to him he doesnt remove his eyes from me.

He takes out his hand for a handshake  "Obrey Chirinda, CEO of Connect consulting" I pull out my hand as well "Amanda Mthethwa, nice to meet you" he smiles, for the first time in a really long time i find another man attractive. Well judging by his looks and also his name and surname confirmed it, he isnt south african. He's well built, Dark with pink lips which are perfectly complemented by a long yet clean bushy beard, he has nice glittering eyes, this man in front of me is definitely the African version of Idris Elba. I snap out of my fantasy then pull out of the handshake before making my way back to the lift.

We walk back down with Thandeka and I'm really impressed with the building I'm ready to make my first down payment. We agreed on meeting up on monday for paperwork signing and everything else to be finalised.

My drive back home i kept thinking about Mr Chirinda, he's one fine man but he's probably married so I should probably just focus on myself.

I got home and called my girls on a conference call just for a young catch up before getting started on preparing dinner for one. I cooked a simple noodle stirfry and had a nice bottle of cold wine to accompany the meal while I continued looking for a designer for my new building! I'm so proud of myself I've accomplished so much for myself, I'm definitely a true definition of black women taking up space.

*the next morning*
I woke up with the mother of all headaches. I passed out on the couch and my neck hurts so much, the house is awfully quiet without my two rascals who are always on each others necks fighting like they're the same age.

Its a bit chilly today, its the type of weather suitable for a netflix and chill vibe but I've got myself to do that with. I get up and prepare a bath for myself with bath salts because i need the relaxation, my body is stiff. After a long well deserved bath, i wear tights and a crop top Adidas bra, i wore a doek over my hair and started with laundry plus cleaning.

I cleaned out the kitchen first, taking out old food from the fridge and cleaning out the pantry. I then went on to hang the laundry, when i came back i heard voices from the living room. I walked closer and heard Buhle's loud mouth. "Buhle!" He turns then jumps from the couch to run to me. "Mommy" i pick him up then we i walk to the couch.

Zweli and Phile are sitting together, "what are you guys doing here?" I ask, "well its cold so we came to get warm clothes" Phile answers before grabbing Buhle's hand and walking upstairs. Only then when Buhle is out of my arms do i notice that i am actually underdressed for visitors. "I'm sorry please excuse me" I rush out of the room to change into the nearest clothing item i could find, i wore a dress and went back down.

"I thought it would be convenient to talk to the kids as we agreed" Zweli says while rubbing his hands together which shows that he's nervous. "It's okay, I'll do the talking" i say because i really want to avoid things getting out of hand.

The kids come down holding two overnight bags. "Babies, mommy has something important to tell you" they walk over to sit next to Zweli. "Phile do you rememeber how you used to ask mommy who your dad is?" She nodds "Buhle do you remember when mommy told you that dad would come back and you will finally get to meet him" he nodds in excitement "is he here?!" He asks while jumping up and down in his seat.

I'm trying to hold back my tears,this might go well with Buhle but i dont think so with Phile, she's gown now and she understands these things therefore she might have quiet a lot of questions. "Well uncle Zweli is your father, he came back for you like I had promised" Buhle looks confused while i cannot read Phile's expression. "So you mean i can call him dad?" I nodd because if i say any other thing from here on I'll breakdown.

Zweli notices this then jumps in. "Yes big man, you can call me dad, or uncle Zweli, it is up to you" he smiles while he registers what Zweli just said, Ngiphile has been quiet. "Princess" she looks up at me with teary eyes, I knew this would either go really good or really bad.

"Phile listen..." Zweli was about to continue but i shoot him a look, I'll take care of this. I take Phile's hand and we walk upstairs to her bedroom. "Whats wrong princess?" I ask while pulling her into my arms as she sobbs quietly in my arms. "Why did he leave us mommy?" I dont know what to say. "I dont have all the answers baby, but he is here now are you not happy about that?" She nodds "okay now lets go downstairs so you guys can get going" she shakes her head "i dont want to go mommy" okay now thats strange. "Why princess?"

She keeps quiet for sometime "i dont want to leave you on your own when you're sad" this just warms my heart, i try and assure her that I'm fine until she finally agrees to leave with Zweli who was very relieved that Phile is okay.

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