chapter 25

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After the doctor broke the news to us, I made a decision to reach out to Zweli's family to get my son the help he needs. I'm at home going through my facebook looking for Zande or Alwande. I finally come across Alwande, she has done well for herself i must say. I send her an inbox. "Hi Alwande, I hope you're doing good, could you kindly send me your contact number, there's something i would like to urgently discuss regarding my son's health"

Judging by the life she leads now, i doubt I'll get a response back anytime soon so i continue searching for Zande. While searching i recieve a notification. Great its Alwa. I dont waste anymore time i immediately call her. She's shocked to hear from me after so many years but at this point she's my only link to the Ndlovu's,i told her everything and she also broke down which made me break down too. She assured me that she'll let her parents know about the current situation and then she'll contact me first thing the next morning. I headed to bed with my princess, she hasnt been okay lately so i let her share the bed with me.

*the next morning*
I woke up,prepared Phile for school, got dressed in a body hugging grey knitted dress which is below the knees and simple pumps. I drove my girl to school although she wasn't quite feeling it. After dropping Phile at school as i was driving to the hospital my phone rang. "Amanda,Hello" i answer, maMthethwa, it's bab'Ndlovu" then there's a bit of silence. "I called to let you know that we are on our way to Joburg, we would appreciate it if you allow us to stay at your house for the duration of our visit" he asks, well i cannot say no i mean their already coming. I agree to it then hung up.

I arrived at the hospital and found my mum already in the ward praying. I join her. After our prayer we hug each other "did you sleep?" She asks, i just sigh, "the Ndlovu's are on their way and they've asked that i accomodate them at my house" she seems delighted by this, i thought she'd protest it. We stayed there for long hours until dad came with Ngiphile as he was at work so it was more convinient for him to fetch her. At 21h00 we all departed. The Ndlovu's finally arrived and I just ordered food from my mothers restaurant because i honestly havent had the strength to do anything.

By the Ndlovu's  i mean maZungu, bab'Ndlovu, Sifiso and Alwa. After dinner i show them to their rooms before we all retire to bed.

The next morning i gathered the little strength in me and made a proper breakfast for everyone. Alwa is such a darling she offered to drive Ngiphile to school which meant I'd have sometime to update the parents on my sons condition. After breakfast Phile and Alwa left, its now me and Zwe's parents because Sifiso is going to fetch their family seer. "maMthethwa, Zweli will meet us the hospital together with Sifiso and the seer, i hope you have no problem with that" baba asks, i just nodd while eating. After breakfast i clean up while they prepare themselves for the visit. Alwa finally comes back and we all change and drive off to the hospital.

We arrive there and find mom and dad with Noxolo, she engulfs me in a hug, "i came here earlier hoping I'd find you before heading back to work, unfortunately my lunch is almost over, I'll see you later?" I nodd in between my tears. We all sit in the waiting room while seated,Sifiso walks in with the seer followed by Zweli walking hand in hand with a beautiful light skinned lady next to him.

"Sanbonani" Zweli greets before taking a seat) the lady also greets before they take their seats. The doctor finally comes to us and allows us in. The seer throws the bones. "Zweli Mfana, kuyomele ulungisele umfana izinto, bathukuthele abaphansi(you need to fix things for the boy, the anscestors are upset)" he goes on to telling us what needs to be done before he burns incense and pleads with the anscestors for my sons life. I'm very emotional It has been a very draining week.

The seer says its best that they leave Zweli and I alone with "our" son to speak to him. Everyone walks out and I'm now left with Zweli who is standing on one side of the bed and me on the other. I dont even care about him being here i need to do what needs to be done. I hold Buhle's hand into mine. "My little prince, mommy misses you so much,home is no longer the same, i have no one to taste my food when I'm cooking, there's no one to kiss my cheek before bed, i miss you baby, please come back, come back for mommy and Phile, we all miss you, Please Buhle" I'm in tears, i cannot bare this pain anymore, i feel arms wrap around me and I'm being pulled closer to someones chest, its Zweli but i don't even protest, this right here is what I've longed for since the day my son got admitted. I cry until i just cannot anymore, he keeps me in his arms and tries by all means to suppress his sobbs.

*Zweli's POV*
Recieving a call from my dad letting me know that my son isnt in good health really broke my heart. Now i might not be a part of my children's life but i think about them everyday. Especially since Bontle and I have been trying for kids but to no luck. Bontle is my wife, we've been married for 3 years now. She's amazing but my parents just won't accept her, dad doesnt think that she is good for me while mum just agrees to anything my dad says. Bontle is your typical housewife, all she does is go for shopping and plan holidays for us, I have no problem with that because she carters to my needs as a man and she submits to me which is every man's dream according to me.

Seeing Amanda today though really broke my hearyt, she has had to bare all this on her own, I'm now thinking of all the times she has had to deal with a sick child on her own with no support from me whatsoever. I'm looking at my son right now and there's no doubt at all that this little man right here is a Gatsheni, he is a spitting image of me.

My heart is shuttered as Amanda weeps in my arms, the machines start beeping loudly as her sobbs die down. The nurses come running in and Amanda and i are requested to leave the room but she starts crying again refusing to leave, i had to carry her out of the room. She got out of my hold and went into her father's arms. Bontle wasn't herself, i guess she's not pleased about me spending time alone with Amanda for so long, but then she has to understand, she'll never replace Amanda.

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