chapter 30

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Well, the breakfast with Obrey's family was nice, even though I had eaten earlier but I was taught that it's rude to decline food. We are now driving to my place, I'm honestly tired but since I need to give him directions as I refused to give him my address now I need to stay up.

We finally get to my house and I notice Zweli's car parked outside, Great! What does he want this time? "Thank you, for everything" I attempt to get out of the car "Amanda, wait" he gently holds my arm preventing me from leaving. I look at him waiting for him to speak, "can I take you out, on a proper date?" I keep quiet then he sighs in defeat, "I understand if you can't..." I cut him off "I'd love to go on a proper date with you" he smiles, "tonight?" I nod while smiling back. "I'll message you the details then"

I chuckle because last I checked, he doesn't have my number. i guess he remembered that as well because he hands me his phone which is already opened to the dial pad, I punch in my number and then hand it back to him." have a great afternoon" I say, he smiles.

I leave his car and he drives off. Zweli is standing near the door facing the direction of the gate. I walk in, "Zweli, Hi" I greet while unlocking the door. "Ubuyaphi makaPhile(where are you from)?" I do not answer Zweli so I choose to ignore him bluntly. I open the door and step aside to make way for him to come in.

He steps in and walks to the sitting room, I walk upstairs to change, and I slip into sweatpants and a baggy hoodie. Walking back downstairs I find Zwe sitting in front of the blank TV screen.
"Look Amanda..." he sighs, okay... "I thought I should drop by to apologize for how things ended the last time I was here" oh that, well there was no need for him to come all the way just to apologize. "it's evident that I cannot stay away from you, there's something that keeps drawing me back to you but it's clear that you've moved on and I don't want to be of hindrance to you so I'll keep my distance," he says all this while sitting down, thereafter he stands, fixes himself and walks to the door.

I didn't say anything not because I had nothing to say but because the sight in front of me broke my heart, he looked broken and distressed, as much as Zoe and I aren't together but he's still the father of my kids and I care about him a lot.

I finally snap out of my thoughts and decide to call my babies. "hello mommy" Phile answers but I can hear buhle from the background trying to get ahold of the phone and shouting at Phile. Weird as this is, it warms my heart. I spoke to my 2 favorite humans for some time before I decided to do some cooking. A message notification came in on my phone while I was still deciding what to cook.

"Sandton city, 8 pm" attached to it is a heart emoji. It's Obrey, well I don't think I'm still in any mood to go out so I sent him an sms canceling our outing, I made an excuse that Buhle has a fever and so I need to take care of him. I prepared dinner for myself and then finally called it a night.

Amanda: Is This Love?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin