A little something (A/N)

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So to cut this short-

I'm taking a break.

I'm taking a break from writing here on Wattpad for a bit, probably a week or two. This is just so I can regather myself because my emotions and motivation are going everywhere except for where it's meant to.

I have also been noticing that I have dropped in reads, votes and comments in the past few chapters. Though, I am not complaining because I'm thankful for the ones I still get :).

It's kina like...

I'm falling from the Origins Fandom.

I would have never expected for this to happen in the past two years that i have been with the fandom, but it just... happened.

It started with OoO s1, then FTO s4 is what really took it for me. That season was personally the best one for me and it when I was at my peak of excitement for the Origins crew.

But, slowly over time, I've kinda lost interest. Not saying that I'm no longer interested in the fandom itself! I really like watching their content and following along with the individual story lines of each character.

Who knows, maybe MHO will change things for me. With that being said, I won't be posting here for a week or 2 as I said before.

It's just so I can find myself and sort out these mother f*ckers of emotions.

I know I'm probably gonna lose some of y'all but I promise that I'll come back better than ever! 💖. I love you all and you're what makes me continue :).

- Hangy Wangy

P.S: I'm writing about the DreamSMP on Ao3 because I finally got accepted. >:D

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