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A/N: Thank you to the lovely hooman known as AngelBeeAKAFloria for this OoO request! It originally was a Christmas request but I didn't read that part til a few days ago 😓. Now I made it a normal request! Hope you like it :3.


(No one's POV)

It was such a casual day for everyone. Some were fighting monsters in the desert, others were walking around just having small chats, and some were being... annoying -_- (you know who I'm talking about).


"Kaykrae!!" Some campers were in a rush, was running towards the camp counsellor's office.

Once they busted through the doors, they saw a pretty annoyed snake lady standing behind her desk already yelling at someone. As soon as she saw them, her annoyed face instantly shifted into a relieved face.

"Oh thank god! What is it that you three need?" Kaykrae immediately turned her attention away from the son of Momus to the others in the room.

"Uhh Ok. Well, there is an invasion in the camp and we wanted to get you to see it." Mitch answered while the other two, Jake and Xylo, nodded their heads.

She raised an eyebrow to this answer. "What do you mean 'invasion'?"

"It's quite literally an invasion of..." Jake trailed off looking at the other two.

"...Pixies." The last of the three, Xylo, finished. Both Daveed, who was arguing with Kaykrae, and Kay were shocked. Pixies? Why are there pixies in camp? Especially in a desert.

"Pixies? Ok lead me to these pixies you speak of." They nodded and led their camp  counsellor and annoying camp member to where the pixies were.

When they arrived at the volleyball court, which is where they were, both Kay and Daveed went slack-jawed. There were like 20-30 pixies flying around the camp while the other campers were trying to get rid of them.

"When you said invasion, I didn't think you actually meant it." Daveed said, still in shock at all the pixies.

"Yep. So how do we get rid of them?" Xylo asked his snake lady friend.

"Just try and catch them. Get them in one area and we'll go from there."

For the next 20 minutes, they tried and tried to get the pixies into one area but they always get away somehow.

What the campers know, is that they are looking for their fellow pixie friend, who is a camper at the camp... Inmo.

(Inmo's POV)

Originally, I was looking around for any of my brothers to hangout with them. Now, I'm looking for literally anyone because this place is as abandoned as a haunted graveyard.

Come to think of it, I haven't seen anyone since this morning at breakfast!

As I was about to head back to my cabin, I heard someone shout, "GET BACK HERE!!"
Then more shouting after that.

One of the people who shouted sounded like Ritchie so, I hurried off to where it came from. I kept hearing the shouting the more I ran so, I ran faster since I was on the other end of camp.

Once I arrived at the source, I couldn't believe my eyes. My eyes went wide, my mouth was open, and I was also covering my open my mouth with my hands.

Pixies were all over the place and my fellow campers, including my brothers and Ms. Kaykrae, were chasing them.

My shock was soon replaced with excitement... And a lot of it.

My excitement overloaded so...

"PIXIES!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, making everyone and everything stop and look at me. Everyone had shocked faces.

The pixies soon saw me and each had a little excited look on their faces. Then, they flew up to me, some landing on me while others danced around me.

"Inmo?! Was that you who screamed?!" Ritchie asked me, probably still in shock.

I felt uncomfortable speaking so I wrote on my notepad, then gave it to Ritchie, who then read it out loud.

"I don't feel like speaking so, here ya go.
Yes, I was the one who screamed. Some of you may have thought I was a mute. Yes I am technically mute, but it's selective. I choose not to speak and speak when I want to. I only raise my voice when VERY angry or VERY excited. Personally, I don't like doing it but, the Pixies were exceptional."

This, once, again shocked everyone but my brothers because they alreay know this. They just didn't know I was a friend to the pixies.

"Well, can you explain the pixies?" Kay asked the question this time.

I nod and grab my notepad. Once I'm finished, I handed the board to Kay this time, and she read it out loud.

"I am from the Pixie lands where they live. I am friends with all the pixies and they visit twice a year, while I visit them when I can. I guess they heard I go to this camp and decided to visit. I hope they didn't cause that much trouble, because some of them can be trouble makers."

I looked at all the pixies as they shook their heads innocently, then I look at my friends who all nod their heads. I sighed and crouched down.

"You need to learn to stop. Now go home and I'll visit soon." I whisper to the pixies. They each gave me a hug then apologised to the others, and flew away from the camp.

Ritchie and Daveed look at each other then suddenly smirked at me weirdly. "So... You talk when you're excited?"

My eyes widened as I hurried to get up and outta there.

"I wonder if that includes... tickling?" They made grabby hands at me and I ran as fast as I could out of there.

"Get back here!! Inmo!!" They chased me all round camp while everyone else was laughing or joined in on the chasing. It was a good day for me. Pixies then tag..

It was amazing to say the least.


A/N: This was short (only like 1000 + words) but fun to write! I couldn't really think of anything else to add and I need to be somewhere in about 40 mins but I have to get ready -3-. So thanks Floria for the idea! Next oneshot is from Una845 so, have fun~

P.S Chapter 1 of PTO (PokéTail Origins) will be out soon, so will the next chapter of Different Dimensions.

I have a lot of other story ideas but I'm gonna leave them till after PTO and DD, just so I don't stress ma self :3.

Also, ANYONE READY FOR SEASON 5 OF FTO??!! Or... Too early? :P

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