1: The Beginning

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"Alex! Alex you have school get your ass up!" I wake up to my sister screaming at me. My eyes shoot open only to be playfully punched on the arm. "School. Now!" She says before leaving our room.

I sigh before sitting up. 'Another shitty day...' I think to myself. I sit up, mentally punching myself for being alive, and look in my mirror. I look like shit, bags under my eyes, cuts on my arms, messy hair. I can't even look at myself.

I go to my dresser and get my a red shirt, black jeans, and a white hoodie. Her white hoodie. I need to forget her, she's no good for me. I'll get over her one day, but I really need to try. I put on my clothes and head downstairs to the kitchen.

I live in a small house, it doesn't have a upstairs, me and my sister share the attic as a bedroom. My parents have their bedroom and the other room is a sorta office. We have one bathroom and a kitchen. That small, yeah...

I never bring my friends to visit, I can't. I'm ashamed of my house, my car, my room, my... Myself. I do have a few friends, but I mostly keep to myself and my drawings. Yeah, I draw a bit. Lame right? You can probably already tell what kind of teenager I am.

"Hey hunny, how'd you sleep?" Mom asks. "Good, thank y-you for asking mo-mom." I smile and grab my bag. "You'll have to take the bus, I can't drive you today due to my meeting. I'm sorry." Mom says before sipping her coffee.

"It's o-okay, I'll h-have to l-leave no-now if I want to make i-it th-though. Have a good d-day mom!" I kiss her cheek before walking towards the door. I'm about to open it when my sister steps in front of me.

"Have a good day. I'll pick you up after school but I'll be a little late." She says. "Yeah, m-move I'm about t-to be la-late." I playfully push her out of the way. "Bye Alex!" She yells and now I have to run to catch my bus.

Luckily I make it right on time. It's Monday which means everyone on my bus is either crabby or bragging about their weekend. I do neither, I'm not in a bad mood, but I don't have anything to brag about either. Even if I did I wouldn't have anybody to brag to.

Instead of doing whatever everyone else is doing, I take out my journal and turn to a new page. This is where I draw all of the time. I have pictures of my family and of animals but there's one thing that's constantly on my mind that I've never had a chance to draw. Him.

Dakota Davidson. The boy I took interest in a few months ago. I've watched his from afar and noticed small details about him that most people wouldn't. For one, he's super protective of his friends or people he cares about, even sometimes people he doesn't know.

His locker is 143. I know his class schedule. I know where he sits at lunch and who he sits with. I don't know why I'm so interested in him. He's the popular guy in school, nice looking, lots of friends, rich, jock type. That's him. Most people take notice in him so it isn't that strange that I do, is it?

I've been wanting to draw him but never got the chance because I've been busy with school work and other things like that. I work a job on the weekends when I'm not at school or doing homework. It's just a small coffee shop and I know the owner so I get a bit extra cash for working there. Boy, does my family need it.

I can't draw on the bus, because it's bumpy and I'm afraid kids will see, so maybe I'll do it at lunch today. I decide to look through my past drawings. There's an eye, a cat, a rainbow, my beautiful sister, a-"HEY!" I yell. "What? I wanna look!" Kory. Kory Richardson. My bully.

I didn't know he was sitting behind me. He flips through the pages, landing on the one of my sister. "You'd never get a girl like her." He laughs. I want to laugh too, but manage not to. "Who is she anyway, creep? Why you drawing her?" He asks.

"My-my s-sister." Is all I say. "Where'd you get your genes from, ugly ass? Your sister is hot so I don't know where you got your looks from!" He laughs again. Luckily his friends don't ride the same bus as us because It'd be worse.
He throws my book on the ground in the isle of the bus and decides to leave me alone. Thank God.

I grab it and shove it into my bag. I go to school with a bunch of rich and pretty kids so I don't fit in much. We're almost at school so I stand up early. "Why you in such a hurry, punk?" Kory asks. As soon as the bus stops and the doors open I run.

I can hear running footsteps behind me and I'm not very athletic so he catches up fast. I feel the hood of my hoodie get yanked hard, causing me to fall backwards. I land on my ass and people are beginning to take notice, which isn't what I want.

If he's gonna beat me up can he do it alone where we're not being stared at? Apparently not because he doesn't beat me up at all, which is strange. He walks over to his friends and seems to have completely forgotten about me, which I ain't complaining about.

"You alright?" I hear Dean ask me. Dean is one of my friends. We're not really close but he's close to my best friend and I kinda like him as a person. "I'm alr-alright, th-the u-usual." I say as he helps me off the ground. "One day they'll leave you alone." He says as we walk into school. "I hope yo-your r-right, Dean."

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