32: The Trouble

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"I'll get your bag out of the car." Dk offers. I accept with a nod and we both get out of the car, well it's actually a truck. We head to the back, he grabs my bag and hands it to me. "I'd offer to walk you inside but your parents are home and they'd probably get angry with me for keeping you for three and a half days." He scratches his neck. "That's alright, my parents will get over it. But thank you for the offer." I say, smiling with my bag over my shoulder.

"I uh... I got you something. And before you decline I want you to know that it's for me too, not just for you. But uh, here. It's paid for for a year and my contact and your parents are programed." He says, taking something out of his pocket and handing it to me. It's a small bag, with cute little daisies on it. I look up at him and see he wants me to open I now. I shrug, reaching my hand inside and grabbing whatever is inside. I pull my hand back out and I'm shocked at what I find. A phone? "Just accept. It's for emergencies. Plus, we can talk all the time now." He complains, probably seeing me ready to protest.

"Thank you. I really appreciate this." I say, peeling my eyes away from my new phone, smiling. "How much?" I ask. He shrugs, "Just... Six hundred dollars, no biggie mine cost much more." My eyes widen. "I-Your too kind. I'm paying you back eventually." I roll my eyes. "No your not, I'd never let you. But I should get going. Call me, yeah? I wanna make sure your parents-er my parents don't do anything too bad." He sighs. I nod, putting my phone into my pocket.

"I really love you." I say quietly. "I'll be sure to call in like an hour and check in with you." I add. "Okay, um bye." He turns around to walk away but never walks. He turns back to me, gently shoving my against his truck, and quickly bringing his lips to mine. It's quick, but it's all I need for the butterflies to form. "Bye." He says, hopping into his truck. I smile and begin walking up my driveway. It's gonna be a long day with my parents, they weren't too thrilled with the idea of me missing school. I open the door, and my parents quickly look over from the living room.

"What the hell Alex? What were you thinking?" My dad asks, standing up. "I-I j-just needed to ge-get away." I rub my arm. "S-sorry." I add, looking away. "You were with Dakota, yeah? Why do you hang out with that guy, he's a bad influence?" My mom cuts in. My eyes shoot over to her. "No he isn't! He-he's nice and I trust him m-more than I t-trust anyone el-else! He helps m-me a lot! I l-love him more than y-you'll ever kn-know!" I yell in defense. "He's the fi-first p-person to care a-about me." I add, in a whisper voice. My parents angry eyes soften.

"Why didn't you come back? We don't like you missing school?" My mom asks. "D-Dk had some stuff goi-going on a-and had to g-get away. I w-wanted to b-be there for h-him." Is all I give them. My mom sighs, rubbing her head as if it hurt. "Just... Go to your room. You never did things like this before he came along. He obviously isn't a good influence on you." My dad says, pointing to the hallway, signaling me to leave. "You d-don't understand." I admit, about to break into tears.

"I love him. He-he's all I have." A tear falls. I walk away, not feeling very welcome in my own home. For the first time, my parents are angry at me. They know how sensitive I am so they never get mad, or at least they don't express their anger towards me. I go into my room and my sisters in there on her phone, probably texting her boyfriend. She turns, noticing me. My sister raised me, since my parents always had to work, so she's like a better mom to me. She notices my tears and puts her phone down, sitting up.

"What's wrong?" She says in a soft voice. I shake my head, not wanting to talk. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in days. Is that why your sad?" She smothers my in questions. "I was with Dakota for t-the weekend. We went away t-to get away f-from our problems. Mom and dad aren't too happy." I sigh, sitting on my bed, and pulling out my phone. My sister raises an eyebrow, before asking, "Where did you get that?" I sigh, knowing it was coming. "Dk bought it for me." I shrug. "His family is well off." I add.

"He must really care about you, yeah?" She asks. Maybe I should tell her, I mean, she is one of the people I trust. "Uh yeah. He-he's actually my... Boyfriend." I whisper the last part looking at the floor. In the corner of my eye I see my sister's eyes widen. "Alex I didn't know you were into guys?" She exclaims. I shrug, tears still falling. "I di-didn't tell anyone bu-but him." I admit. "You can always trust me, you know that, right?" She offers. She's too sweet. "I know, s-sorry. I was trying to figure out myself before I told everyone but... K-Kory outed me t-to th-the whole s-school." I sniffle.

"HE WHAT!?" Mon yells, making me jump. "He said I-I forced myself o-on him. Dk is ta-taking care o-of it." I shrug. "Why'd he do that though?" She asks, sitting on my bed next to me. "He t-tried s-something at a p-party a while ba-back." I cry harder. "I'll kill him." She mumbles. "And Dk is good to you as your boyfriend?" She checks. I blush, nodding. "I'd like to meet him again, as your boyfriend. I didn't really give him a chance before." She says, smiling like a mom.

"Y-yeah, okay. I'll ask him to come over tomorrow after school?" I offer. "Great! I'll bring Matthew if you don't mind." She jumps off my bed, exiting the room. Matthew, or Matt, is Monica's boyfriend. I've never even met him, but I've heard quite a lot about him. She's moving in with him in a few weeks even. I pick up my phone to give Dakota a call, though we just seen each other, I'm clingy and miss him already.

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