15: The Trust

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I can't believe I trust him this much, I'm showing him my biggest fear, my biggest regret, my weakness. I slowly and cautiously lift up my sleeve, revealing a mixture of old cuts and some from yesterday. I can't bear to look him in the eyes but I can tell they widen and are filled with sadness, maybe guilt, and possibly pity. I can feel the sadness just rushing all around the room.

"W-Why would you do that to yourself?" He asks in a whisper, probably afraid to scare me. He, as carefully as he can, grabs my arm to inspect. I just shrug, too afraid of say anything in fear of breaking down. "I...I just don't understand." He sighs, wrapping me up in his arms once again. "I k-know... It's alright. I started like three y-y-years ago and I couldn't s-stop." I lean into his hug. "Please, let me help you. I can't stand seeing you hurting yourself." He hugs me tighter.

"I ju-just... Feel so empty, like I have nothing. Doing... that, gives me a since of control. I started a-and never fi-figured out how t-to st-stop." I'm crying now and he rubs my arms in a comforting way. "I have a b-blade in my b-bag, if you decide to take it li-like everyone does. I-it won't he-help th-though." I admit. My ex took my blade, so I just got a new one. My parents screamed at me and made no effort to help, just made it worse, so why the hell am I trusting Dk?

"I can't do that, it won't solve anything anyways. If that's how you cope, then I have to fix it and help you. Your method might be shit, but I'll help you work through it. If I take your blade you'll still be wanting to do it, it wouldn't make a difference. I'll help you not want to do it so you'll actually want to get better. I'll help the best I can if you let me. Will you let me?" He goes over everything slowly.

I slowly nod. "My p-parents hate that I do it. They yelled at me and told me it made m-me w-weak. I-it just made e-everything worse." I say between cries. "It's alright, I'm here now, I will help you I promise." He says. A while later an alarm goes off through the cabin signaling that it's time to head to the hall for dinner. We get up, I clean up my teary face, and we go to dinner.

We get there and all eyes are on us, and their not friendly stares either. We decide to sit at one of the smaller tables by our selves. "I d-don't exa-exactly like be-being s-stared a-at..." He says with his head low. He's pretty much the opposite of me, he hates attention unless it's from people he loves. I love the attention of people watching me at school.

"Sorry," I whisper. "I'm probably not helping, I can leave since their probably staring because I'm here." I say quietly. "No no! He says, almost too loudly. "Please s-stay I-I want y-you h-here." He pleads with his eyes. I nod. "If you insist." I half smirk, glad at the fact that he actually wants me here. I'd be pretty disappointed if he wanted me to leave but I'd understand.

Just then a teacher walks up to our table. "May I sit?" She asks. We both nod. She sits and just stares at the table for a few seconds, she looks almost scared. "I was sent by Mrs. Trixie to tell Alexis something." She says, then clears her throat and begins talking again. "I'm supposed to be telling you that you won't be allowed to participate in any camp activities, basically your on lockdown inside your cabin. Only to come out to eat or if your told." She looks to me. "This does not include you."

"Why? What did Alexis do?" I ask, my words being angry and coming out a bit too loud. "I-I don't know the full story but people don't feel safe with you around. Everyone thinks it's better you stay indoors. They may be just rumors, but even so your too much of a distraction." She explains. My face is probably red in anger by now. "He did nothing wrong!" I say through gritted teeth. "As I've said, this punishment-"

"Punishment?!" I yell interrupting her, she continues speaking. "It-it does not include you. Your still going to the activities and such." "Fuck no. Fuck off! I'll stay with Alexis." I say, standing up and grabbing his hand before practically stomping out the door. All eyes are on us but I couldn't care less, Ali did nothing wrong and he shouldn't be blamed. We finally, after what feels like forever, reach our cabin. I'm so pissed I'm tempted to scream but I'd probably just scare the boy.

"You-you shouldn't have to stay behind!" I say in an angry whisper. "I-it's okay..." He whispers while looking at the floor. "You g-go. D-don't stay behind for m-me. You should h-have fu-fun." He rubs his arm trying to comfort himself. I step closer and hug him lightly, whispering into his ear, "I wouldn't go without you, ever. I'd rather spend time with you so going wouldn't be fun it'd be boring and lonely. I'm staying, we'll have fun I promise." We break our hug, sadly.

He goes to protest but stops when he realizes it'll be pointless, I wouldn't listen. "We slept all day, so I'm not really tired." I admit, scratching a bump on my arm, probably a mosquito bite. "Yeah, me too." He giggles. I'm so glad he's comfortable with me, before he couldn't even look at me, now he's his adorable self. "We should do something fun." I suggest, raising an eyebrow. He looks at me confused, "Like what?" He asks innocently. This boy.

"Do you trust me?" I ask. "Um... I suppose?" He smiles slightly. "Like really, really trust me? Would you like to go somewhere with me and trust me that everything will be fine." I ask. He looks surprised and sorta skeptical. "We're not allowed to leave campground, remember?" He asks. "Yeah well they broke the rules by saying your guilty of attempted rape-" He gulps. "so we can break a bit of rules too. So I'll ask again, do you trust me?" He thinks for a moment, looks up at me, and nods.

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