13: The Bus

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TODAYS THE DAY! The day of the school trip, of course. I already grabbed my bags and ran practically out the door. "Stop right there young man!" My father jokes. I turn around and see him standing there with my mom. "You'll have so much fun!" My mom says as they both walk over to me.

"I know, t-thanks for l-letting me g-go." I smile at them. "Of course, we'll miss you so much though!" My mom pouts. "W-we talked about t-this l-last night. I gotta g-g-go." I say. We share a few more words before I hear a car pull up. "B-bye!" I yell before running, literally. I had to get away before they cry. Plus, I missed Dk over the weekend.

"Hey!" I yell opening his door. I want to hug him but I'd probably scare him away. "Hey, ready to go? Got everything you need?" He asks and I just nod. He begins driving and I can't contain my excitement. I smile brightly. "What's got you so happy?" He asks me. "I'll be with you f-for two weeks! I don't have to miss you anymore." I say, blushing slightly. He chuckles and continues driving. After a few minutes of silence he says, "I missed you too, Alexis."

Hearing him say my name like that makes me shiver. I love the way he says it. "Y-yeah. I'm glad we'll get to spend two w-weeks together." I look up at him and smile. He smiles back at me then continues driving. "You got everything you need, right?" He asks. "Yeah! I got my flashlight and everything!" I giggle and he chuckles.

We park the car and get out, the teachers meeting us at the doors so we don't go inside. I'm staying close to Dk in fear of getting lost and being alone. "Alright, I need you all to listen up, the next few things I say will be important." The students finally shut up and listen to Mrs. Orxay. "Basically," she begins, "I'll be going over everything you'll need to know."

"We're going to make a line to bus 47, and we're going to check if you paid and got your permission slip signed. If you have, you'll make your way onto the bus and put your bags inside. Then make your way out of the back and to bus 83, where we'll take you to the campgrounds. Now make your way over to the bus." She says, pointing at bus 47. We all do as told.

Eventually, with minor inconvenience, they got everyone ready to go. We were lucky enough to get to choose my seat, since we we're one of the first on the bus, others whined that they didn't get to sit by their friends, but the teacher said to suck it up. On the drive, which was told to be 4 hours, Mrs. Oraxy went over the rules about a million times.

"Dk..." I ask quietly. The bus is loud and I can barely hear myself but he heard me. "Yes, Alexis?" He smirks down at me. "Can..." I'm embarrassed to ask. "Can I-I l-lay on yo-you..." I look out the window. I hear him chuckle and I'm afraid he's gonna say no but he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me close, my head how on his shoulder.

"Thanks..." I whisper. "I'm sad as well, so it's not just for your benefit." He says, now that I think about it he has been sounding sad today, not talking as much. "What's w-wrong?" I pout. "Just... I dumped my girlfriend on Friday. She didn't love me but it's still hard to lose something you thought was everything to you." He says. He sounds so sad, so hurt.

"Wh-why'd you b-break up?" I ask. "She was a slut." I jump at his words, he isn't one to say stuff like that. "I mean-she slept with everyone, and I let her. I hair want someone real, not what she was offering." He sighs. "O-oh. I'm so-sorry." I admit. "I didn't e-even k-know you had a-a gi-girlfriend."

I feel the guilt take over my body, I never even told him. "I... I always meant to tell you. I just put it off, I don't know why." I admit. I didn't want to tell him, in a way I felt like telling him would ruin something, like trust. I just didn't want to tell him, fear of losing something that's good. Plus, she never gave a shit about me.

"Oh well I-I'm glad you told me. Y-you o-okay?" He asks. This boy is so sweet. "I'll get over it, your helping anyways." I smile down at him. With his head on my shoulder, I'm finding it hard to talk or even breathe. Every time he moves my heart races and I can't help but hold my breath, I don't want to disturb the boy after all. "Are you tired or something?" I ask.

"U-up all night t-thinking a-ab-about..." He pauses. I raise an eyebrow though he can't see. "I was t-thinking about you." He admits and tenses up. I get butterflies in my stomach. He was thinking about me? "J-just... I was e-excited to spend t-time with you!" He blurts, louder than he usually talks around people, rushed too.

"It's okay, I think about you too, all the time. Don't be embarrassed about it!" I smirk. He just puts his head further into my shoulder and closes his eyes. I giggle and close my eyes as well. I'm just about to get to sleep when we hit a huge bump. Alexis must've fallen asleep because he gets startled. "Your fine, we're almost there." I whisper to him. He lays his head back down and closes his eyes once again.

"See Dakota? He's dating the fag." "I can't believe Alex tried to force Kory into that." "Alex fooled everyone with his innocent act." "Wonder how long until Dakota realizes the truth and leaves him." I hear all the whispers. I'm tempted to scream but I don't want to embarrass poor little Alexis even more. He's humiliated, I see it in his eyes.

Besides, people would rather believe the crazy, interesting rumors than know the actual truth. No one would believe him, or even me. They want to believe the shit they wanna believe. I can't change their minds unless I have proof, which I will eventually but I have to figure out how first. For now, I'll have to focus on helping him without evidence, just being here for him. Which I hope is enough

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