14: The Cabin

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Once we arrive and grab our bags, the teachers give us our cabin information and send us off. We reach our cabin, and I look down at the sleepy boy that's standing next to me. "You alright?" I manage to ask, it's chilly since we're by a lake but it isn't too bad. "Fine, just... I couldn't s-s-sleep on the bus. W-whispers." He looks down. I feel almost guilty, I can't help it. I feel the need to protect him and I can't do that if he's this sad.

"We sh-should head i-inside." He mumbles. "Okay." Is all I can say. We open the door and the place is actually nice. I expected a mess but it's clean as hell. You walk in and your in the kitchen, to your right is the main room, which consists of two beds that are across from each other, and past those is a door, which I'm assuming is the bathroom. Like I said, it's clean, so we don't have to worry about rats or anything.

"Which bed so you want?" I ask him. He goes and hops on one of the beds, giggling as he does so. "Can I have this one?" He asks. "Of course, I don't mind." I smile. I sit down on my new bed and put my bag down next to it. We decide we should unpack a bit so that's what we do. We put all our clothes on hangers that's next to our beds and the rest of our stuff goes on the kitchen counters or stay in our bags.

"Hey Dk..." Alexis says after a few minutes of laying on our beds. "Yeah?" I ask, sitting up and looking at him. He looks sad, like he doesn't want to tell me something. "What's wrong, Ali?" I ask. "I just... Are you bored of me?" He looks ready to cry. I can't believe what I'm hearing. "I mean-" I cut him off. "Of course I'm not! I love spending time with you." I admit. "I promise I'd never get bored of you, your the only person I enjoy spending time with."

"W-why are you e-even friends w-with m-me in the first p-place..." He's now crying and looking at the floor. "Like... Why'd yo-you talk to m-me at a-all?" "Alexis, I like you because I like you. Your fun to hang out with and I think you could use a friend. You do want me to be your friend, right?" I ask. "I just don't f-feel like I'm a-a-aprociable. N-no one w-wants to be fr-friends with a l-loser like me..." He's calmer now, less tears poring out of his eyes.

"I do. I want to be friends with you. You have a hard life, your sensitive, and it's hard for you to trust people. I can help you, I earned your trust and I'm prepared to keep it. I care about you, so I'm going to stay with you until you want me gone. I promise. Now come here." I smile and reach my arms out. He smiles slightly and slowly gets off his bed, heading to mine. He stands on the side of my bed and I grab him and pull him up into my arms.

"No more negative thoughts about our friendship, got it? No more doubts." I hug him tight as he sits in front of me. "O-okay. I just don't want i-it to b-be fake." He sighs and cuddles closer, which I didn't think was possible. "Take a nap, we had a long bus ride and you couldn't sleep." I smile. He looks up at me, slightly confused. "Y-you have to let go s-so I can go to my bed."

He tries to sit up. "Stay here, I don't mind." I admit. He hides his blushing face and lays back down in my arms. Having him here is making me forget all about my breakup. I don't even care about that anymore, at least not as much as I should. He keeps me calm, and I guess I keep him calm as well. We help each other, which I'm glad for. Best friendship ever.

I eventually fell asleep because I wake up to a knock on the cabin door. A teacher comes in and Ali is sitting up next to me. "Good evening, I'm coming to check on you. I'm Mrs. Trixie, my job is to make sure the campers aren't lost, but I only come at seven o'clock every morning and night." She checks her list. "Alexis and Dakota, correct?" She asks

We both nod. "Alright, well I'll be back in the morning to have a little chat, goodbye for now." She sighs and leaves. She got angry near the end of her speech, like she was disappointed in us. I don't know, but I'm not really bothered by it. We had just slept all day, so I'm not really tired anymore. The teachers said dinner is at seven thirty, so we can't eat now although I'm starving.

I get up and go to my bag, I can feel Ali's eyes on me but I just ignore it. I grab my phone, which we aren't allowed to have, and my headphones. I turn to Ali and hold up my accessories proudly. He raises an eyebrow and smiles slightly. "You know your not supposed to have that, right?" He giggles which causes me to giggle as well. "Wanna listen to music?" I ask him. He thinks it over for a moment then nods.

I walk back over to my bed, sitting next to him, and hand him one of my earbuds. He puts it in and I go to my playlist. "What do you listen to, like what music?" I ask. "Anything is f-fine." He smiles at me. I just put some random playlist on and put my earbud in. He smiles so I assume he enjoys the song.

"What do you think she meant?" He asks looking up at me. I just shrug. After a while I decide to start conversation, so it isn't just music. "Tell me something." I say out of no where. He looks up at me, confused. "Like?" He asks. "I don't know, just anything. Something you don't tell other people." I smile. "Um... Okay let me t-think." He looks down at his hands as he thinks.

"I-I get bad anxiety which causes my stutter. I also have depression but I take meds for it. I'm sensitive, like about everything. I'll cry over almost anything. I also get attached to things easily, like you for e-example. A-a-also... T-this." He lifts up his sleeve, revealing the very thing that scares me the most.

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