39: The Death

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We wake up naked. After we... Ya know, we took a shower and we're to tired to even put clothes on. I enjoyed it, it hurt way less that last time and it was much more enjoyable. I think he'd agree, he was less scared to hurt me and got a bit rougher. I'm glad I'm not scared if things anymore, because I used to be so scared I forgot to enjoy things for myself. Recently, Dk's helped me through everything, which I'm so grateful for.

I get out of bed, putting on one of Dk's shirts and my own pants. It's Saturday, which is good since we don't have school. But sad because we're going home today. I reluctantly realize I need to wake up Dk. I walk over, admiring his sleeping form. He's naked, but still so pretty. I brush his hair out of his face, before shaking him gently. He's a light sleeper, so his eyes flutter open. "Morning baby." He yawns, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Good morning." I lean down and kiss him.

"Mmm, wake me up like that everyday." He smirks. "I would, but we're leaving today, going home." I sigh. He frowns, which disappoints me because I don't want him sad, I want him happy like he was a second ago. "Oh. What do you think your dad will do?" He asks skeptically. "Mom wouldn't leave me alone with him, he won't do anything with her around." I sigh. "C-can you come just to be sure?" I smile, making excuses so he'll be closer to me.

"Of course, I would anyway even if you didn't let me." He smiles, rubbing his head. "Headache?" I ask, he nods. "Sorry, wish I could help with that." I pout. "Your already helping plenty, don't worry." He says with a smile. "Well, get up. We gotta get ready before my mom throws her fit." I chuckle. He starts getting ready, I watch him as he does so. He is just so... Perfect. "I can feel your eyes on me." He mumbles as he puts his underwear on.

"Yeah, nothing I haven't seen before, besides, you look good." I smirk. He puts the rest of his clothes on, then turns to me. "Oh really?" He smirks. I nod, smiling. He picks me up, I wrap my arms around his waist and my arms around his neck. "I'm sore." I remind him. "Right, but I wasn't thinking of that. I just wanted to kiss you." He laughs. "Whatever." I mumble grumpily, this just makes him laugh more. "You dirty minded boy." He mumbles against my lips before kissing me passionately.

"We gotta go." I grumble, pulling out of the kiss. He puts me down and pouts. "Oh shush, we can kiss any other time." I roll my eyes, he smiles and puts all my stuff back into my bag so it's packed. "I can-" He cuts me off. "Yeah but if I do it, it's faster then we'll have time to kiss." He huffs, continuing to quickly put everything away. "Anyways, you worried about seeing your dad?" He changes the subject. "Uh, of course. He hit me, and we didn't stay as long as I wanted. I hoped we'd give him time to cool off, but we're coming back sorta fast." I admit, scratching my neck.

"I understand, but you should be okay with me there, yeah?" He smiles. "Sure, my protecter." I roll my eyes again. We eventually get everything packed, he didn't let me help much though. "Can I kiss you now?" He pouts. I giggle, "Sure." He jumps on top of me, pinning me to the bed. He kisses me hard, running his hands over my face. I run my hands through his soft hair, he seems to like that because he groans.

Just then there's a knock on the door. I instantly know it's my mother and groan in annoyance. I really love kissing Dk. She opens the door, Dk quickly gets off and acts casual. "Boys, we have to go now." My mom announces, peaking her head through the door. "Yeah, we're backed up and ready." Dk says with a nod. "Great, well let's go. Dakota your coming with us, yeah?" Mom confirms. "Yeah, but I drove my own vehicle. Ali you can drive with me if you'd like?" He asks turning to me.

I look at mom. "You don't mind right?" I give an innocent smile. She rolls her eyes. "You two can't spend two minutes away from each other. I suppose it's fine, head straight there." She says, and then with that she leaves. "Ya heard the woman, let's get going." He smiles, getting up. I nod, taking the hand he's offering and letting him help me stand. I like when he does small gestures like that, it makes me feel special. "Grab your bag, yeah?" He grabs his.

I do as told and we head to the truck. We arrive home, moms already here. I sigh. "You ready?" He rubs his thumb over my hand, which is one of the things he does a lot. "Yep, hope nothing goes wrong. Come on." I say, getting out of the truck. He follows behind, I open the door to my house but my dad isn't home. His car wasn't even here but I just still thought he'd be here. Moms in the kitchen, checking the house phone. She smiles at us for a split second before continuing checking. Just then her eyes widen.

"Mom?" I question. Dk looks over to where my mom is, he probably was looking for my dad before. "I got a call from the hospital, I should call them back. It could be about your father" She sighs, exiting the room with the phone in her hand. "What do you think happened?" I ask, looking up at Dk. He's staring at the wall, probably out of it or thinking. "No idea, but I'm sure it's fine." He assures, grabbing my hand and sitting me on the couch.

A while later my mom comes out, crying. "Mom?!" I panic. Dk looks over as well, worried now. "Y-your father was in a-a c-car accident... H-he uh-he died o-on impact." My mom sobs. My expression goes blank and I'm sure my face went pale. I'm too shocked and sad to even cry. Dk sees this and wraps hi ms arms around me, holding me tight. I hear mom go into her room, but I don't look away from Dk's shirt, my head in his chest. "He-he's dead..." I come to realization.

I'll never see my dad again. Never see his face. Never see his laugh. Never get a hug. I know he hit me, but he was my dad, and I still love him. "Shh, I know. I wish I could just tell you it'd be okay, but I can't say a lie. It sucks but there's nothing anyone-nothing I can do besides be here and hold you." He sighs, hugging me tighter and kissing the top of my head. That night, I didn't sleep, nor did Dk. He isnsisted on staying up with me, meanwhile we could hear my mother in the other room, sobbing.

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