23: The Talk, Literally

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So now me, my parents, my boyfriend, the bitch, and her mom, are sitting at the kitchen table in silence. I'm sitting close to Ali and the farthest away from Con. Ali is hiding his head by looking away but I can tell he's crying. Meanwhile Con is crying so hard and her mother is giving me the worst death stare I've ever received. This is the worst way I imagined this to go. Stupid bitch, had to hurt Ali and me, being the awesome boyfriend I am, had to protect him. Sadly, I had to out us both to do it. It's currently three in the damn morning and everyone is tired and grumpy.

"Someone explain to me what the hell happened?!" My mother finally speaks. "Precisely what I'd like to know." Mary rolls her eyes and rubs her crying daughters head. Connie's still sobbing like a baby, even though it's her fault it even happend. "Dakota I swear you better explain yourself. What makes you think you can treat Connie like that?" My father speaks as well. I roll my eyes. "Possessiveness." Is all I say.

Dakota Davidson! Tell me this instant! Mary is your mother's dearest friend and her daughter is amazing, so what the hell caused you to act out? You were never a bad kid until now." He mumbles looking away. Bad? Me? Heh that sent a knife right through my heart. "You... Don't even know the story." I say through gritted teeth. He raises an eyebrow, "Enlighten me, I'd love to know what the hell happened." And here's where all the truth comes out.

"Connie is a psychotic bitch, she won't take no for an answer." I state proudly. Connie's eyes widen and they have the same anger that her mother presents. My parents look pissed as well. Ali still hasn't said anything, but he sniffles every few minutes. "Why the hell would you say anything like that?" My mother asks, slightly raising her voice. "I told her multiple times, NICELY, may I add, that I don't like her. But she still continues to pester me like I love her and I DON'T!" I admit.

"Connie has a little crush, so what?" Her mother spits. "That isn't the issue here, the issue is that she can't control her feelings and she does things that are totally irrational! She's psycho!" I state strongly, no backing out now. She has 'what the hell are you doing?' written all inside her eyes. I look over to Ali, who's still staring at the floor, and place a hand on his shoulder. He looks up and I ask him with my eyes for permission. He gives a small nod.

"Basically, she got jealous, and told Ali things about me that aren't true, things that hurt him badly and caused him to act on what she said. She wants me to herself and once Alexis told me what she told him I couldn't control my anger." I admit, leaving out the part about Ali being my boyfriend. "What did she say?" My father and her mom ask at the same time. "Not my place to tell you, but it was nasty things." I shrug. "Mary let's go talk in the other room." Mother says, glaring at me.

"Come on sweetie." She says, grabbing Con's hand and bringing the bitch family into the living room. "If you want to leave this table, your going to tell me what the hell she said. Dammit Dakota, you've never acted like this before. What are you doing with your life?" My father asks me. I sigh. "Dating." I say. "I thought you broke up with Melody?" He asks. Geez, this man is dense. "Not her..." I look at Ali and he nods.

"Me and Alexis are dating, dad I'm dating a g-guy." I manage. My dads eyes widen in shock and Ali looks like he'll die. "I... We'll discuss that later. Alex, I can't help you if you don't let me, so tell me what she said." My father says, turning his head towards Ali. "J-just some m-made up th-things ab-about Dakota..." He says. I know he's too embarrassed to say the truth so I'll do it for him. "She said that I was using him for his body." I blurt, Ali just nods at the floor.

"And he thought I just wanted sex so he tried to... Ya know. I could tell something was wrong so when I stopped him he started crying like crazy and told me what that b-what she said, and I couldn't help myself. I stormed off to her room before he could stop me and I yelled until I ran out of things to yell." I finish with a sigh, "I'm sorry, dad. I had to do what I had to do and if the Parkers can't realize that then sucks for them. She really hurt Ali so I did what I had to do to protect what's mine."

"I understand, son. I never want you to EVER lash out at anyone again, especially not your mother's best friend's daughter. I do get it though, I'd probably do the same if I were you. And Alex?" Ali looks up at my dad. "I'm sorry she said those things and that you thought... I'll speak with everyone, you two head upstairs." My dad finished and I grab Ali's hand and begin to pull him away. "Oh, and boys." We turn to my dad. "I accept you." Is all he says as he goes into the living room.

I never thought I'd be so happy to hear those words. We arive to my room and I can't help but smile, wiping Ali's tear. "Don't ever think I'm using you, for anything. I...I like you for you, not for your body and yes I admit, I do want to one day take a step further, but never unless you truly want to. I'll never pressure you and we'll take everything at your pace. I promise. Anything you say goes. Any rules or limits you have I'll listen. I care so much about you and I'm not about to fuck it up now." I say, pulling him into a hug.

"T-thank you, Dakota. I-No ones ever cared this much about me. And I-I think one day I'll be ready but n-not quite yet. I'm scared, so please be patient with me. N-not only about s-sex but just things in general. I h-have a hard time trusting p-people and letting people love me and I'm trying my best. I c-can tell your g-genuine so I just... Thank you." He finishes, pulling me out of the hug and putting his hands on my face before bringing me into the sweetest kiss I've ever had.

His lips are just so soft and he's so gentle with everyone. The kiss ends when I decide I don't want him to get uncomfortable and pull back. He's smiling with tears in his eyes and he looks pretty even when he's crying. "Hey beautiful, we should head to bed, yeah?" I raise an eyebrow and he blushes at my words before nodding. We lay down, I keep distance in case he's uncomfortable but it sucks to do so. But for him, I'd do anything. Even out myself to my damn parents. Shit.

My Opposite, But Not ReallyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang