31: The Undoing Of Shy Boy

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Waking up with your arms around your baby is the best. But waking up with your arms around your baby while his bright eyes are shining back into yours is even better. "Good morning." I mumble, my morning voice hurting my throat. He gives a small smile before sitting up. I notice that he's already dressed. "I packed everything, so you don't have to." He says smiling adorably. "Awe thank you angle." I say, placing a small kiss on his nose.

"I got your clothes picked and everything out in the car. We can leave when your ready." He said, sighing. "I know you don't want to leave, neither do I, but we have to if we want to not have things go wrong." I admit, reading his saddened expression, rubbing my thumbs on his cheek. "Your so beautiful, and if I could I'd stare at you all day. Now let's go, we have a long day ahead of us and I want to eat before we leave." I say, sitting up and dragging him with me.

"Should we order in or cook?" I ask. "Um... Order." He shrugs. "I'll go get some juice, or maybe milk, I mean w-which do you prefer?" He rubs the back of his neck. I giggle, "I'm fine with anything, surprise me and I'll surprise you with food. Are you allergic to anything or any foods you don't eat or like?" I ask, though I think he told me once that he's fine. "I'm not allergic and I'm not a picky eater, unlike you." He mumbles the last part but I hear him, my ears shooting up in defense. "Hey! I heard that! Come here!" I giggle, before chasing after him.

His eyes widen and he begins running, probably not expecting me to be so childish. We run laps around the counter, me trying to catch him. I don't know why but he bolts for the room. If he kept up the running I would've gotten tired and never caught him. I follow him into out bedroom, and since it doesn't have a door he can't lock me out. He seems to realized that too late though, because he turns around with a scared expression.

His eyes widen is shock when he sees me standing directly behind him, he looks up slightly, to meet my eyes. I gently put my hand on his waist, and the other on his neck. His eyes are screaming at me to kiss him, and that's just what I don't do. I lean in quickly, but then freeze. He was expecting a kiss, but when he didn't get one his eyes open in confusion. He's met with my mischievous grin. His eyes show no fear but I think... Lust. I smirk before quickly pushing him back, against the wall, my hand behind his head so I don't hurt him.

His eyes widen as I pin his hands above his head and put my knee in between his legs, running it against his already hard dick. He groans and I take this opportunity to kiss him, my tongue darting straight into his mouth. He lets me have my way with him, my tongue exploring his mouth and eventually his tongue is working its way into mine as well. I groan, living for the feeling of his mouth. This continues until I run out of air, quickly pulling back.

He gasps for air, as do I, before I just turn around and walk around, leaving him stunned with a boner. I chuckle and call a restaurant, ordering tacos and macaroni, some of his favorites. Once I hang up I turn around to reveal a very flustered Alexis. "Wh-why'd you do that?" He demands shyly. "Revenge, for making fun of me for being picky." I smirk. He walks closer to me until I'm leaning against the back of the couch. "C-can I?" He asks. Damn he's adorable, he almost caused me to laugh. I nod yes, curious to know what he's gonna do.

He reaches up, cupping my face, and brings my lips to his once again. I kinda regret leaving him hard and everything, but hey, gotta get even. He kisses hard, or at least harder than usual, and it's a lot more passionate too. He usually doesn't kiss me like this, but before I know it he's nibbling on my bottom lip, causing a small moan to except my lips. He takes this opportunity to dart his tongue into my mouth, taking me completely by surprise.

He leans against me, still kissing me, and rubs his crotch against mine. We both groan at the contact but neither of us dare to break the kiss. This goes on for some time, him taking control and all, and somehow we even end up on the couch with him straddling my lap, still kissing me. I can't say I don't like this side of him, because that'd be a complete lie. This him taking control thing, is turning me on more than if I were in control.

Just as I begin to think about all the things he might do to me, and I'd let him, the doorbell rings. Ali jumps off my lap, ending up on the floor with a thud. I chuckle and pull my shirt down to hide my bulge, before walking to the door. I thank and pay the guy before heading back into the living room. Ali is on the couch, blushing like crazy. Guess he's back to his shy self. "I'm s-sorry. I lost control and I was so caught up from w-what y-you did to me in the bedroom that I j-just needed more." He sounds like he thinks I'm mad.

"Hey." I lift his chin to make him look at me. "I loved that side of you just as much as your shy side. In fact, it turned me on. I'd offer help but we need to leave before twelve so eat up and I'll go get juice." I pay his head, standing up and heading to the kitchen. "A-aren't you like the... Top?" He asks cautiously. I chuckle. "Yes, but that doesn't mean you can kiss me, or do what you were just doing for that matter. Do it whenever you'd like, I think we both enjoy it." I say, gesturing to his hard on, causing him to blush, typical of him.

"Hey don't be ashamed, I enjoyed it too." I smirk, and watch as his eyes travel down to my crotch. He looks back up and notices I saw him staring at my hard on. I expected him to look away blushing but all he does is smile. And not even like a small, shy smile like he usually does. It's a real smile. "Your not gonna hide your face or something?" I ask, walking back over to him. "Your so kind, you don't even let me be ashamed or shy. You helped me out of my shell. I trust you so much. So no, no more hiding." He says, smiling brightly.

I smile at this and we begin eating. We end up eating all of it, surprisingly since I got a lot. Eventually, after mentally preparing by cuddling on the couch, we hit the road. His bright eyes and cute smile are enough to keep my happy, but in the back of my mind I can't help but worry about what'll happen after we actually get back. What will my mom do and will my dad talk her out of it? Will I still be allowed to see Ali. Will his parents be angry that I caused him to miss two days of school? Guess we'll find out.

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