6: The Parties Secrets

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"My parents say I don't have a choice and my boss said my car won't be fixed for a week so I have to stay. If you still don't mine?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. I nod and say. "My p-parents won't be home till later or morning so I suppose it's alright you s-stay."

He smiles but doesn't say anything. His smile is bigger that usual and I wonder why. He must've seen the confusion written on my face because he says. "It's just... You stutter less with me." I can't help but smile as well. "Not about you. I stutter less at home or when I'm comfortable with someone. Crowds m-make m-me nervous."

"Aww man, I thought you were coming around to me!" He fake pouts. I can't help but smile. "I could be." I say and this seems to surprise him and even myself. "I mean... Your friends with Kory so I don't know about it." He frowns at that.

"May I ask again, what did he do that's so bad to you? Besides calling you names and beating you up a few times." Now I'm just getting angry. "A few times?! He does things eve-everyday. I can't do anything. And you don't even know th-the worst!" I'm almost yelling now. I can't even look him in the eyes.

"Please tell me. I'll talk to him, I just want to know my curiosity is killing me!" He begs. Honestly, I don't care if he knows, although I've never told anyone. He'd be my first. It isn't a huge deal but most people would overreact. But what he said to me that night... Was true.

*flashback!*(tw? attempted rape) -Partytime!-
Please come! It'll be fun and I don't want to go without you!" Eclipse begs me. Eclipse is beautiful. She's one of the prettiest people I've ever seen, though she isn't exactly my... Type.

I'm very lucky to have her as a friend. She's sweet. About every guy has asked me to hook them up with her. She's already dating a guy from another school. Max, but he kinda hates me. He thinks I like her. I can see why but I obviously don't like one of my best friends!

"Fine! B-But if this g-goes wrong I bla-blame you!" I smile at her. She screams into her pillow. "Your first party! Oh I gotta find you an outfit! Let's do your hair. You should get laid, maybe-" I cut her off. "Easy there, I-I'll come but I choose w-what hap-happens t-to m-me." I sigh.

"Your stutter is getting worse. Nerves?" She frowns while asking. I nod and look at the ground. "Can I at least pick your outfit. We leave in forty-five and you can't make it home. Since your at my house you'll be wearing my-" "OKAY!" I smile. She smiles as big as possible before rummaging through her closet.

Once she FINALLY picks her outfit and mine and then drags me out of the house we finally arive. At first everything goes fine. Drinking, not me of course. Making out, also not me. I don't know, normal party stuff. Until, that is, Kory makes his appearance.

At first he acts casual, hanging with his friends and all. But the strange thing about that night is that he kept glancing at me, which didn't make since since he hated my guts. At one point he even smirked at me. I just thought he was trying to fuck up my head, oh boy was I wrong.

I went upstairs to look for the bathroom, this was one of Kory's friends house and it was massive so I had no idea where to go. I had to open several rooms before I finally found it. I did my business and was about to leave but the door flew open. Can you guess who was standing there, staring at me. Kory frickin Richardson.

He walked over to me, one step at a time. I can only imagine my face. I was taking a step back for each step he took towards me. To say I was scared was an understatement. Before I knew what was happening I was grabbed, hard. He brought his lips to mine. It was super strange. He didn't smell of alcohol so I'm so confused what's making him do this.

I was trying to wiggle out of his grasp but it didn't affect him at all. He literally chuckled, breaking the kiss. He began trying to take my shirt off. Okay, this is going way too far! I finally had managed to push him off. "What th-the hell!" I whisper yelled. I wanted him to know I was angry without letting everyone else know. "Why?!?! W-what? St-stop!" I yell.

"What? I thought you were a fag? You should enjoy this!" He smirked. "I-I didn't t-think you wer-were!" I yelled again. "Your n-not go-gonna ra-rape me!" I say, quietly. I'm so scared I can barely talk anymore. He's pissed that I turned him down.

He grabs my throat and holds me again the wall. "No one will believe your word over mine. Don't tell anybody about this! I-I'm just drunk!" He spits out. He's lying about the drunk part but the rest is true, no one would believe me over him. He's popular and I'm a loser. I just nod and he leaves, slamming the door behind him.

That was one of the scariest things that ever happened to me. Kory was gay, just afraid. He took advantage of me and my gayness. It wasn't right. But I couldn't say anything. No one would believe me over him. Plus everyone thinks I'm gay and the bullying would get much worse.

*flashback over!*(tw over)
I realize I've been so lost in my head that I forgot that Dakota was here. I look up to meet his eyes, his eyes filled with worry and confusion. Probably because I spaced out so much. "You wo-wouldn't believe m-me..." I mumble. And it's the truth. Especially with Kory being his 'friend', he'd never believe me over him.

"Just tell me, I can help!" He's not letting this go... I could tell him. I trust him, since he's the only person who's talked to me besides my friends in a while. "Just... Okay." I sigh. He instantly shifts in his seat, wiggling in anticipation. I find it a bit cute. ANYWAYS!

"It was a few months ago. It was my first time going to a party, and I've never been to another." I begin. He's obviously interested and watching my eyes as I talk. "I was in the bathroom and Kory came in. Getting closer and closer. I couldn't even describe how scared I was. I thought he'd hit me or worse, but he didn't something unexpected."

I paused to take a breath. I look up at him and all I could see were his adorable eyes, which were a light shade of green. "He suddenly kissed me." I admit. Dakota's eyes widen and he almost jumps hearing it. "Before I know it he's trying to take off my shirt. It was weird, he didn't smell alcohol. He was sober and doing all of this."

At this point I couldn't see, my vision blurry with tears.
"I finally got him off and yelled at him, sorta. He tried to say he was drunk but he wasn't. He told me if I told anyone he'd deny it and no one would believe me for obvious reasons." I pause again. I can't see because tears are coming out so fast.

"H-he... I assumed he was closeted, which I understand. But ever since that night the bullying got worse. He's probably ashamed and blames me so he takes his anger out by using me as his punching bad. He hasn't beat me a couple times, he does it weekly. I hide it well I guess." I try to wipe my eyes but it doesn't stop new tears from poring out.

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