38: The Plan

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I can't help but take pride in what I just accomplished. Phase one and two of the plan complete. Now we just need to set the last thing up tomorrow. "Babe! I have to know what your doing, or else I won't help." Ali pouts. We just got home-er back to the hotel, from a long day at school, after I succeeded getting proof of what Kory did. "You just forced me in a classroom and hid, then told him you'd beat him up, what's your plan?" He demands.

"I didn't want you to know the real plan to make it believable. I suppose I can tell you now." I smirk, "But." He looks at me confused. "What do I get in return." I ask seductively. "Hmph! I'll tell you what you get if you don't tell me, an angry boyfriend!" He crosses his arms, not falling for my trap. "Your no fun. Basically when Kory trapped you, and he thought you were alone, I was originally going to hide the whole time. But I thought it'd be better to come out, since I saw he was just gonna hurt you and I knew he wouldn't with me there." I begin.

"So basically, it didn't matter much because he still admitted everything, yeah?" I raise an eyebrow, he nods. "Well I brought a voice recorder camera thingy, and recorded him admitting everything, I'ma show it to the school tomorrow, that way everyone will know the truth and he'll hopefully get suspended for beating and trying to... Rape you." I sigh. He smiles, nodding. "Thank you, for doing this for me." I smile, sitting next to him. "I'd do anything for you." I lean my head on his shoulder.

"You were hinting at sex before, yeah?" He asks. I sit up, looking at him. "Yeah, but I was mostly joking." I shrug. "I mean... Do you want to?" He asks, blushing. "Do you?" I reverse the question back to him. He smiles, "You took care of me last time, I have no doubt you'll treat me the same way for our second time." "Yeah, but what if your mom comes here, she's right next door?" I question. "Um... My sister's going to her boyfriend's house, and my mom works night shift tonight." He shrugs.

"So tonight then?" I ask, getting what he's saying. "Sure, what should we do till then because there isn't much at this hotel?" He pouts. "Um, they have a skimming pool if you want we can go now?" I offer. He looks nervous, he probably can't swim. "I'm just not good at swimming, my parents never taught me I kinda taught myself, but I suck." He sighs. "I'll watch though, so I don't ruin your fun." He adds. I shake my head. Not only at his self doubt but also that I want him there.

"Your coming with me. You can swim, I'll help if you'd like. And stop putting yourself down, your not ruining my fun, I just want to spend time with you. So let's go, yeah?" I quickly stand up. "No bathing suit, I can't exactly go home to get one." He pouts again. "Hear, I'll wear my shorts and you can wear underwear in my shirt since it covers all the way to your thighs." I offer. A smile instantly goes onto his face, "I like wearing your clothes, they smell like you." He says, causing me to smile. So cute.

He puts my shirt on, and I change into shorts as he takes of his pants. We head downstairs to the pool, and surprisingly there's no one here. I suppose it is a school and work day, so people aren't even really at the hotel in general. "Let's swim then" I say, mostly to myself. He nods, I grab his hand, slowly walking in. I expected it to be cold, but it's warmish water. He shivers though, since it is a bit chilly. "It'll be better once we get in and adjust." I admit, pulling him along with me. We're at out waists now. "Just go for it, under that is." I say, letting go of his hand and forcing myself underwater.

I didn't expect him to actually do it, but when I come up he's coming up too, soaked all over and looking quite cute. "See, it's not bad anymore." I smile. He wipes the water out of his eyes and smiles. "Yes, I've been swimming before I know how it works." He rolls his eyes but smirks. "Yeah yeah, now you'll pay for that." I say, tackling him. We both fall underwater and then come up laughing. "Fatty!" He accuses. "Hey! Body shaming isn't funny, what if I'm insecure!" I pout.

His face frowns, turning away from me. "R-right sorry." He sighs. "I was kidding, it's alright I know you were joking." I say, pulling his waist into me and forcing a hug from behind. "Sorry, I just didn't want you to get mad. We're having fun and I didn't want to ruin it." He sighs again. "I know, I was joking. I apologise, sometimes I forget your super sensitive. But it's alright, I just have to watch what I say." I hug him tighter. "Now let's go deeper into the water, I got you don't worry." I say as we walk deeper.

We swim for about an hour before it gets too tiring. I get out, wrapping a towel around myself, I pull him out the side of the pool and wrap our other towel around him. He giggles cutely. "Thanks, ready to go?" He asks. I nod and we leave the pool, making sure we got everything we brought. We get back, and by time we do his family's left. We dry completely and I sit in the chair. He comes out of the bathroom, a sad look on his face. "What is it?" I ask calmly although I'm panicked.

"I just... Thought you wanted to... You know." He sighs. "I-I mean I wanted to a-and I thought you felt the same." He adds. I smile slightly. "Come here then." I point to my lap. His eyes light up but he still has a sad look on his face. He cautiously makes his way over and places himself in my lap. I kiss him sweetly. "I never said I didn't want to, I just forgot because we had so much fun." I smile. He nods, placing his head on my neck. "Sorry, I just thought maybe... I was bad last time... So you didn't want to do it again." He sighs. I feel bad, he's too sensitive for his our good.

"You did so good before, you just weren't experienced, but I didn't mind one bit. Besides, you have time to learn and get better, yeah? So how about now?" I suggest. He nods against my neck. "Your prefect. Your beautiful, smart, compassionate, funny, and everything else. Your just perfect" I sigh. He kisses my neck softly. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you too." I can't help but smile as I lay him down and do things to him.

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