25: The Runaway

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I can't believe we just admitted we love each other. I mean it's true, I love him, but I didn't know if he felt the same. He does, so I finally admitted my feelings. I. Love. Alexis. Jones. I'm in love with Ali. "I love you so much, and my family can't change that. So now, we're running away together." I mutter, mostly just talking for myself. "I have to text my parents once we arrive." He says smiling. "And I lo-love you too." He adds.

I can't help but smile. He's so precious, so pretty, so perfect. "We're here?" He asks. "Yeah, it's a one bedroom house but the bathroom has a curtain for privacy. Hope you are alright with that?" I say, more of ask. "Y-yeah that's al-alright." He says, smiling. "Yeah, it should be clean and everything, I have people regularly checking up on it." I smile again. "Rich people." He mumbles smiling. "Yep!" I chuckle.

We head inside and it's small but perfect. "Absolutely perfect." He says. I look down at him and his eyes are sparkling. "Read my mind, it is perfect." I grab his hand. "You can look around and I'll grab the stuff from the car and bring it in." I bring his small, delicate hand up to my lips and kiss it softly before walking outside. I grab his bag and then my stuff before bringing it back inside. I'ma love being here with him for three days.

"It's eight in the morning, can I head back to sleep since we didn't sleep till four?" He asks with his pretty puppy eyes. "Of course, I'll sleep with you if you'd like. Can we cuddle?" I ask, smiling, I know he'll probably say yes so I'm already pulling him into bed. I lay down and pull him on top of me. "You okay with this?" I double check. "Of course, if I wasn't I'd tell you, promise." He leans even further into my chest.

"Okay, no matter what." I add. I close my eyes and try to sleep but then Ali speaks. "D-Dk?" He whispers. "Yes, baby?" I ask, smiling. "Do you... Like potentially one day... Want to have sex." He asks. "J-just asking because we need to co-communicate and everything and I want to know what you want as well." I'm surprised, but I kinda expected it. I'm not going to lie to him, I'ma be completely honest with him.

"Yes. One day when your ready, if your ready, then I would like to. But I'm never pressuring you or forcing you into anything. So you tell me if your ready and I will do everything I can to make it easy for you. It's all up to you baby." I hug him tighter. "I-I want to, but not today. M-maybe soon. And before you ask if I'm sure, I am. And I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it because I truly want to." He says. I kiss his head before mumbling, "goodnight love."

"Hey, b-b-babe?" Is what I wake up to. My eyes flutter open and I'm meant with pretty eyes looking back at me. "I'm hungry, w-we didn't eat dinner and it's been like twenty hours since I ate. Only if you don't m-mind, can we e-eat?" He asks. "Baby, sit on my lap?" I tell, sorta ask him. He reluctantly complies, doing as I asked. "I'm fat." He mumbles. "Don't say that ever again, you aren't. In fact your underweight, so shush. Your perfect." I tell him honestly.

"T-thank you. I've a-always been insecure but you h-help a lot." He leans further into my arms. "People tend to see themselves different than people who truly admire them. I love the way you look and dare I say your body." I rub up and down his arm. "Also, I had you sit here to talk to me." I add. He looks behind him and into my eyes, showing his confusion. "O-okay, go ahead." He mumbles before turning back around and staring at the wall.

"You were so nervous to ask me something, and it was just about food. You can't be like that with me. Never be nervous to ask me a question, or tell me things for that matter. I just want you to feel safe with and trust me, not to be scared of me." I say, hugging him tighter. "I-I'm just not used to the relationship thing, and I'm getting used to it. I do trust you and I feel safer in your arms than anywhere else, I'm just adjusting." He says.

"From now on, you can take charge. If you want to kiss me, do it. Want a hug, go for it. Just be yourself with me, don't be scared to do things because I'm open for anything." I smile, then lightly move him off me, standing up. "Now let's go get you your food, we can cook together. There's plenty of food since the maid checks up on the place." I take his hand, leading him to the kitchen. "C-can you cook? I suck at cooking I almost burnt down my house before." He asks, giggling.

"Yeah, I can cook. Any preferences? What's your favorite food?" I offer. "Um... Alfredo is my favorite but if you can't make that I'm fine with anything." He says, scratching the back of his neck. "Alright, well you can sit on the counter and watch my cook if you'd like?" I suggest. He nods, going and lifting himself up onto the counter. "Your so pretty." I say as he's distracted and he looks up surprised then hides his blushing face in his hands.

"T-thank you." He mumbles but I can still see his smile. I turn and begin cooking the noodles. "Hey... Dk?" I hear from behind me. I turn around and he looks flustered. "Can you kiss me?" He asks with pretty eyes. I walk over to where he's sitting on the counter and stand in between his legs. I lean in slowly, my lips so close to his. "You mean like this?" I whisper on his lips and he gulps. I lean in closer and touch my lips to his, kissing him passionately. He kisses back, so soft like he's scared he'll hurt me.

I pull back slightly. "Why are you so scared to kiss me? You hold back." I ask. "I just don't want t-to get too carried away." He admits, still looking into my eyes. "Why? I mean, it isn't a bad thing to get caught up in a kiss." I wonder out loud. "I um... Just don't want to make you feel like I'm coming onto you..." He sighs. With that said, I kiss him back harder, forcing his lips roughly onto mine. This kiss was more passionate, not delicate like he usually does. He didn't hold back this time.

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