Your POV:
Another day, and I am still alive in this place, I don't even know how. When two of my cell mates dies in SCP-173's chamber, I somehow managed to survive and got taken away by guards. While I was feeding 939s with meat, they didn't kill me, but instead of that, their Alpha, which was a female, gave me the time of my life which I wish I could forget. Since this time I have lost all happiness in my boring life just because of this incident.Director felt so bad for me, even though I was a D-class, that he wanted to amnesticate me immidiately, but apparently I was resistant to all amnestics which they had, and even the ones, which had Y-909 in them didn't do anything except giving me a painful headache.
Normally, they would send me to SCP-999, but he got moved to a secret base, where all O5s had their meetings to entertain them. Because of that, I had to convince a guard to bring me a sample of SCP-420-J, which I was using to enter a nirvana state for as long as possible.
I was about to ignite the joint again and take a puff of it, when my doors opened and two guards appeared in them.
Guard 1: Hey, we have got something for you. It may or not be the most dangerous experiment we have ever performed, but we had to give this a try.
You: Are you going to feed me to SCP-682 and check, if I survive?
Guard 1: No, but this could be a great idea for future experiments. Mark, explain him everything.
Guard 2: Alright. For the past year we had experienced more containment breaches than ever, and after interviewing all of our SCPs they said, that they did that to meet with one another and spend some time together. To prevent those containment breaches from happening again, we have decided to allow them to meet in a controlled envinroment. In small groups at the beginning to check their reactions, and in the future we may make those groups bigger.
You: And you want to use me as a bait to bring one of them to that place?
Guard 2: Of course not, they all agreed on our conditions immidiately! You are going to become their butler and serve them drinks, food et cetera.
You: Are you kidding me?! I may be sick of life after what happened to me, but I won't go for a certain death!
Guard 1: You don't have any other choice, or else we will have to terminate you. But if that makes you feel better, then it was their proposition and they agreed not to kill their butlers for as long as they don't annoy them.
I sat on my bed, looked at him and said:
You: So, if I understood correctly, you want me to serve drinks to those, who normally would have killed me the first second they saw me?
Guard 2: Yes. This time you have a group of four SCPs, so it is not that bad.
You: Who do I have?
Guard 2: 035, 049, 953 and 1471.
This day couldn't get any better. I will have to be a butler of a mask, which can take control over my body, a Plague Doctor, which can turn me into a zombie, a kumiho, which can eat my liver for dinner without any problems and force me to do whatever she wants, and an SCP, which is famous for its sexual relations with Bright. Out of all of them, I actually felt relieved only when I heard MalO's number.
Guard 1: So, can you move your lazy butt and follow us? We don't have the entire day!
I didn't say a word and followed them to the room, where the squad was waiting for me. I was said, that there was a full bartender set inside the room, and that was a place where I was supposed to go. I took a deep breath, exhaled the air, then took even deeper breath and entered the room.

Scp x Reader One Shots
FanfictionRequests are now closed, but you can still read one-shots, which were suggested by other people. I think most of the popular SCPs were used in here, but there are also stories with some less known objects, so many people should be able to find somet...