Your POV:
Many people believe, that being an O5 council member is extremely boring, mainly because you cannot perform any tests on SCPs. They also believe, that since people cannot know, who you are, then the entire council is isolated somewhere in a secret facility, about which there is nothing written. All of that is fake.That's true, we cannot interact with SCPs, but it doesn't mean that we cannot perform tests with them. For example, O5-1 has recently agreed to allow SCPs to meet each other in controlled environment, and it was a great success, since most of them weren't as agressive as they used to be. Except 682 of course, he still hates everyone.
However, it is a complete lie that people don't know who we are. They know exactly who we are and how we look like, but they have no idea that we are members of the legendary O5 council. All of personel in our facilities believes, that we are regular directors without any extra knowledge. And that's how we keep it.
From time to time, we all drive to a well-protected facility and discuss everything face-to-face. Normally we do that through a group call through one of our secret apps, but in a case of a serious topic we cannot use phones. And no, our phones aren't from a regular company, they have been designed by us to prevent leak of information.
Today was one of these days, and we have already discussed everything, but since we are also humans, we have decided to play a game to kill some time, and after a voting we have chosen "truth or dare"
O5-1 grabbed a bottle and spun it on the table. After short time, it has landed on O5-10.
O5-1: Okay bro, truth or dare?
O5-10: Truth.
O5-1: What was the most embarrasing thing you have done in your life?
O5-10: Oh great... Okay, so when I was little, my father asked me to go to a car shop and buy a wiper fluid.
O5-1: But it doesn't even exist...
O5-10: Exactly. And I went to the shop and asked for that and people started laughing, and I was trying to say, that my father sent me for that, but at the end I have returned back home, found my father and bursted in tears saying, that they didn't sell me that. But instead of cheering me up, he started laughing amd said, that it was a joke and it doesn't even exist.
O5-4: Damn, how old were you back then?
O5-10: I had 6 years...
He spun the bottle and it landed on O5-13.
O5-10: Okay thirteen, truth or dare?
O5-13: Dare.
He pulled out a 0,5l bottle of vodka, gave it to him and said:
O5-10: Okay, drink it in under one minute!
He started laughing and said:
O5-13: Please, just give me 20 seconds.
He opened it and drunk all of that during the extremely short time limit of 20 seconds.
O5-10: What?! How?!
O5-13: Magic bro, my turn.
He spun it and it landed on O5-2.
O5-13: Okay Bright, truth or dare?
O5-2: Truth.
O5-13: How many countries did you visit?
Bright took a deep breath and started counting.
O5-2: United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru, Republic Dominican, Cuba, Carribean
Greenland, El Salvador too...O5-13: I asked you to tell us how many countries did you visit not which ones you have visited!

Scp x Reader One Shots
FanfictionRequests are now closed, but you can still read one-shots, which were suggested by other people. I think most of the popular SCPs were used in here, but there are also stories with some less known objects, so many people should be able to find somet...