Part 16 - SCP-049 x SCP-035

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SCP-049's POV:
Another containment breach happened, so I had to cure patients again. Luckily there were many of them, so I had a chance to work on my cure. I have to find a way to make it work without turning my patients into zombies. 999 gave me a small amount of his body, because it made my patients less hostile. I have no idea how it works, but I am adding a small amount of it to make the cure better. I made a deal with MTFs. As long as I can freely move during the containment breach, I can cure class Ds, and they will go in front of them and take all bullets on themselves, as long as I don't create the perfect cure.

I couldn't find any class Ds in Heavy Containment Zone, so I went to my friend 035. As I know him, he probably got a host already. I went to his containment chamber, but it was openned. I quickly realised, that he must have escaped earlier. Before I was able to turn around, I felt somebody's hands on my shoulders. I quickly recognized him.

049: I am glad to see you 035, but let me turn around to see your face first.

035: Firstly you have to guess, if I have a male or female host.

049: You have a male host.

035: Damnit, how did you know?

I turned around and looked at his eyes.

049: Because we don't have female class Ds anymore, 682 ate the last one, and two, the closest female guard was guarding the containment chamber of Shy Guy.

035: Yea, but I could have got a female scientist host.

049: I know, but it would be very hard to do, especially because all scientists were on a meeting when this containment breach started.

035: Agh... You are too clever Doctor, too clever...

049: I am just using my brain. Anyway, are you going to try to escape again?

035: Yup. You are lucky because they made a deal with you, but I want to escape. And if you have brain, then you should go with me.

049: Why should I do that? We tried to escape so many times and it never worked.

035: This time it will work, trust me.

049: ... What is your plan?

035: 682 will destroy part of the shelter in Entrence Zone and he will grab a O5 member with his tail and threaten MTFs, that if they don't release us, he will kill him.

049: Who else is going to participate in your plan?

035: Me, 076, 096, 106, 173, 682, 811 and 939s.

049: Alright, but I hope that you realise, that this plan is very risky, don't you?

035: I know, if something goes wrong...

049: Then they will destroy you.

035: Yea... But I am willing to take that risk and taste the freedom again!

049: ... Good luck then. I am going to search for more patients in Light Containment Zone.

035: Goodbye Doctor, I hope that we will meet again.

He left, and I went to Light Containment Zone to search for patients.

SCP-035's POV:
My friend refused to go with me. I have to say, that I was very dissapointed, but I had to stick to the plan. I met with everyone else in Entrence Zone and I told them my plan. Everyone agreed on that, and 682 destroyed a door leading to the shelter. With his tail he grabbed the director, who was also a member of O5 council, pulled him out and told me to tell him my demands.

035: Alright then. Listen to me director, O5 council cannot save you and you are going to die, if you don't fulfill our demands.

Director: ... What do you want?

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