Special thanks to BB-Hime for helping me with this one.
Your POV:
I was given an order by our director to sort some of the most important and secret files in our facility. I had to do that, because some of them were protected with a cognitohazard, which would kill any person without protection. Luckily for me, I had spent extremely long time at mind strengthening exercises and was able to take enough vaccines, which would protect my mind from them and not get crazy from taking too much at the same time.Having entered the room, I have opened the first chest and began sorting files about the O5 council. I gladly read some of them, since my memories would have been erased anyway, and even my mind exercises would not protect me from that, so I didn't care. However, there was a video tape, which I have activated and immediately puked.
What I have seen, wasn't protected with any memetic hazard nor with a code. However, it was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen, containing a full record of "extensive testing" between Bright and SCP-1471. I had to leave the room and take a mop to clean my vomits, and I have promised myself not to watch any future tapes from this room ever again.
I moved a tape to a "biological weapon" container and read another file, which was under it, and that was another mistake. It was a full written log of what I have seen on the tape, including Bright's and 1471's feelings described in its full form. I pulled put my gun and wanted to shoot myself when I have realised, that they will erase my memories after all of that anyway. I have pulled out a tape and took the logs, and decided to put them to a "Do not open" container.
However, when I have looked into the chest again, I have seen a single sheet of paper with a sign "Do not look at the other side!". For some reason, I forgot about how this place works and turned the paper around only to realise, that it contained the only memetic hazard, againts which I wasn't protected. SCP-096's face.
I immidiately put it to "Do not open" container and ran to the director's office, in order to scream at him:
You: Why the hell you didn't tell me, that a "Do not look at the other side" contains 096's face and not another memetic hazard?!
He jumped out of his chair and looked at me terrified.
Director: You looked at his face?!
You: Yes! Thanks for killing me, I shouldn't have agreed to sort those papers!
Director: Jesus Christ man, I am so sorry, I forgot that we have it there!
You: How much time do I have left, before he kills me?
Director: Maybe one minute before he starts running and two minutes before he arrives...
He pushed a button and said through the intercom:
Director: Attention all personel! SCP-096 has breached containment! Go to your rooms, close them and do not open your eyes! MTFs, prepare to recontain him!
Then he looked at me and said:
Director: Go on the corridor and close the door behind you, please...
You: ... Tell my family I love them.
Director: I will, don't worry.
I have left his office, sat on the floor and closed my eyes, waiting for my death.
After 30 seconds the scream became so loud that I knew, that he is few meters in front of me, so I have prepared myself for a painful hit, but instead of that, the scream has finished and I didn't feel any pain at all. I have decided to open my eyes and saw 096 looking at me with a scary smile on his face.
096: You really like to flirt with death, don't you?
You: I... I don't know what are you talking about...
096: You saw my face and thought, that you will die... You are a little naughty MTF, aren't you?
You: W-What do you mean?
096: I guess that I will have to take you with me, to an isolated place far, far away...
I felt him grabbing me and then running in the direction of Gate A. I quickly grabbed my radio and screamed:
You: SCP-096 is running with me in the direction of Gate A, be careful!
He realised, what I was doing and crushed my radio with his hands.
096: You really want me to punish you, don't you? Don't worry, when I bring you to safety, I am going to give you a good time...
You: For fuck sake man, I have wife and three kids!
096: Forget about them. From now on, you are only mine...
Director's POV:
MTFs told me about everything what happened to Y/N. Luckily, 096 didn't kill him, but on the other hand Y/N became his prisoner. I knew that we have to save him, especially since he knew about classified information which he read in the storage, but we had no idea how to do it.SCPs would not help us since they were friends with him, but we didn't have anything to kill 096. We had some of his blood, tissue et cetera and we have sent it to GOI in order to find a way yo terminate him, but they said that it is impossible unless we destroy his entire body with a nuke, but that was impossible since they were close to a civilization.
Erasing Y/N's memories wouldn't do anything, but maybe erasing 096's memories would help. I have sent a group of MTFs to do that, recontain him and amensticate Y/N, and hoped for the best.
Your POV:
I became 096's slave. He wasn't hurting me, but he would not allow me to leave him at all. It has been at least few days and I started losing hope, when I have heard a gas granades being thrown to our chamber. I quickly recognized, that these were sleeping granades combined with amnestics, so I have inhaled them and fell asleep.When I woke up, my head hurt and I didn't remember anything what happened, but MTFs told me everything what I have experienced. Luckily amnestics worked on both of us. I forgot his face and he forgot about me, which saved me from his yandere side. But I have promised myself one thing. I am never looking at classified things ever again.

Scp x Reader One Shots
FanfictionRequests are now closed, but you can still read one-shots, which were suggested by other people. I think most of the popular SCPs were used in here, but there are also stories with some less known objects, so many people should be able to find somet...