Your POV:
Deaths in our facilities are completely normal, but they are still a tragedy, however it doesn't stop our personnel and SCPs from making bets between each other about how somebody is going to die during a containment breach. We usually bet money, good alcohol, pieces of jewelry or even electronic devices like smart watches. Sometimes however, we make bets for a forfeit, and if somebody loses, they have to do whatever the winner wants.Depending on the type of person who has won, it might be something easy, like singing a song, or it may be extremely difficult, like watching a movie full of violence and 18+ scenes. Because of that everyone knows not to make forfeits with SCP-106, because it never ends well, and the loser is not allowed to take amnestics after that.
During a massive raid of cultists, who were trying to break into SCP-2662's cell, I was hiding in 035's cell, who thankfully had a host, and even more thankfully I also had a gun if he tried something stupid. While we were sitting in there, we decided to make a bet about how long it takes MTFs to terminate all enemies.
- It will take them maximum of two, maybe three hours. - I said filled with confidence.
- Are you sure? - He responded with a smile. - I will say it will take up to twelve hours.
- Please, it is just few, barely prepared cultists, there is no chance it will take that long!
- Would you like to make a bet then? And we will see who was right.
- Deal. - I said without hesitation. - I say three hours, you say twelve, the person who will be closer to the real time wins the bet, and if it takes them exactly seven and half hours, then nobody has to forfeit.
- I agree to that. - He spoke before shaking my hand. - And I already know what you are going to do when you lose...
- I am not afraid, but you can be sure that when I win, you will be begging me for mercy.
- We will see Y/N, we will see...
Time was passing, and the attack hasn't been stopped yet, and what's worse, cultists managed to come as close as fifteen meters from the walls of our facility. I was afraid about my life and about losing the bet, but thankfully after some time we heard an announcement, that every cultist was terminated and the facility was safe. However I became completely pale when I looked at my watch and realised, it took them almost eight hours to protect us.
- Well, well, well... - 035 spoke with a smile. - I think it is time for you to forfeit...
- Okay, fine, I have lost, but can I please, do this tomorrow? My shift is over and I want to go home. - I said with hope, that I will be able to delay my punishment.
- I will let you go. For now... But tell Dr Bright that I want to talk with him tomorrow if you find him.
- Sure, thanks dude, see you tomorrow!
I left his cell as quickly as possible, talked with Bright and drove back home filled with fear, because I didn't know what 035 was planning.
SCP-035's POV:
When Dr Bright entered my cell, I explained him my idea for a forfeit, and I was happy to hear that he would help me with that. He took me out of my cell and brought me to a room with spare clothes, where I began searching for a dress for Y/N. I wanted to find something green, which would fit with his eyes, and after ten minutes of looking through different clothes, I managed to find something, which would fit him perfectly.When Bright closed me in my cell, he quickly threw a small item covered in napkins on a floor and a pair of gloves. After a short inspection I realised I shouldn't have received that, but I was excited to use it the next day. I knew Y/N would be mad at me if I did that, but I was willing to take the risk.
When that day came, I was given a class D host, and when Y/N entered my chamber I gladly presented him a dress which he would have to wear.
- You have got to be kidding me, I am not putting this on! - He said immediately when I have shown him my idea.
- Do it, and you have to wear it for the rest of this day! - I responded with a devilish smile.
- No! Can I do something else instead?
- Hmmm... You told me there is this one person you have a crush on, right?
- I did... And why are you asking?
- Go ask them on a date.
- No chance, I prefer to put on the dress instead.
I handed him his new clothes and watched, how he was struggling with himself to put it on, but after two minutes, he was standing in front of me with a beautiful, green dress.
- I hate you so much 035... - He said devastated. - Why did you do this to me?!
- Don't complain, you look beautiful! - I responded with a laughter. - Miss Y/N, who would have thought this day would come?
- Just because I am wearing a dress, doesn't mean I...
Before he was able to finish the sentence, I quickly touched his forehead with SCP-113 given to me by Bright. It was supposed to change biological gender of a person touching it, however I didn't know it would be that painful, as Y/N immediately fell on the floor and began screaming in pain. I dropped 113 on the floor with fear and watched, how guards took him out of my cell and brought him to a medical wing.
I felt terrible, because I thought it would be instant, I would touch him and he would change, but instead it turned out to be an agony similar to 106's pocket dimension. I spent the next four hours in fear, because I knew that if something bad happened to him, they would take away everything they allowed me to do, but when he came back to my cell with anger visible on his face, I knew it was just the beginning of my problems.
- What the hell did you do to me?! - He screamed while aiming at my mask with a gun.
- Look, I didn't know... - I tried to explain myself, but he interrupted me.
- Didn't know how SCP-113 works?! Give me one good reason, why we shouldn't completely lock your cell forever?!
- I didn't know it was that painful, I thought it would happen instantly... On the other hand, you look pretty sexy right now!
- I know, Bright was already trying to pick me up, and didn't stop even when I told him it was me.
- Yeah... About that...
- I know he gave you 113, and I will fill a long complaint to the O5 council about this, and there is no chance he is getting out of this one!
- Okay, calm down! Just ask your medical staff to put you to sleep, and then to touch you with 113, so you won't feel any pain.
- And risk a 25% chance of losing my gender permanently? - He responded annoyed.
- What do you mean? - I asked surprised.
- While this is true, that 113 changes a biological gender of a person who uses it, with each use there is a 25% chance of losing your gender permanently.
- Shit... - I said disappointed. - I didn't know, I am sorry...
- I... I will think about what you said, but for now... - He spoke before leaving my cell and shutting it completely. - All your permissions have been taken away 035.
I knew I messed up this time, and I knew I should have limited myself only to choosing the dress, because Y/N would not forgive me that easily, and until he changed his mind, I was trapped in this cell without even a slightest chance of leaving. My host was slowly breaking, and I was afraid this would be the last one I have ever got.
What's worse, in three days we were supposed to have an organized meeting with other SCPs, and I knew they wouldn't let me see them, which meant that I was stuck in this cell for an unknown period of time. All I hoped for, was for Y/N to make the right decision, and if he decided to use 113 again, then I wished him to get that 75% chance for a success.

Scp x Reader One Shots
FanfictionRequests are now closed, but you can still read one-shots, which were suggested by other people. I think most of the popular SCPs were used in here, but there are also stories with some less known objects, so many people should be able to find somet...