Your POV:
MTFs were bringing me for another test with SCPs. I had no idea what to expect, but I didn't complain. I was an SCP with a euclid class, because I was willing to cooperate with the Foundation and didn't hurt their personel. I had two main abilities: Telepathy and mind control, which were the main reasons why I have ended up in this place.Having passed multiple doors, I have entered a cell of SCP-953 and the doors have been shut on me.
Intercom: SCP-6821, please approach SCP-953 and try to communicate with her.
I came closer and saw a fox girl sleeping in her bed. Because I was a gentelman, I have decided not to wake her up and instead of that I have made a telephathic connection with a scientist and said in his mind:
You: She is sleeping, are you blind or what?!
Scientist: My bad then, we haven't realised.
You: You have cameras in the entire containment cell, how the hell you didn't realise that she was sleeping?!
Scientist: Just... Whatever, just stay in here for few hours and talk with her when she wakes up.
I did as he said and spent the next two hours waiting for her to wake up from her nap, and when she finally did that, she looked at me and said:
953: Don't tell me that this test with you is today.
You: It is.
953: I thought that it was tomorrow... How long have you been waiting?
You: Just two hours.
953: You had enough patience to wait for two hours?!
You: Do I have anything better to do at this place?
953: Well, you could kill some class-Ds, it is always fun to listen to their screams.
Intercom: No it is not! Every single time we have to watch all of that through cameras and make notes because O5 council wants to know everything!
953: Don't complain, okay? Better be happy that I have made a deal with your Foundation and I am not killing you, other scientists or guards anymore.
Intercom: What about Bright?
953: Bright is an exception.
Intercom: You never told us why he is an exception.
953: ... Okay fine, he tried to drug me with SCP-420-J and the rest of what he would do to me you can already imagine.
Intercom: ... Okay, that's understandable, you can continue the meeting.
She looked at me and spoke to me:
953: I have heard that you can use telepathy too, is that correct?
You: Yeah, and I can control other people's minds, and that's why I have ended up at this place.
953: What did you do?
You: In my school there was a group of guys who kept bullying and insulting this one girl during breaks. When I found out about that, I have taken control over them and forced all of them to castrate themselves in front of everyone during a lunch break.
953: That's a good punishment, but doctors probably managed to fix it in hospital, you should have killed them.
You: Doctors cannot put it back, because I have forced them to swallow it. Before they have arrived at the hospital, the hydrochloric acid in their stomach had permanently damaged it.
953: Interesting, but how did they catch you?
You: Police arrived, the bullies gave their testimony, Foundation got interested in it and I got caught.
953: That's unfortunate. But at least they got a lesson which they will never forget.
You: Yeah. And how did you end up in here?
953: I have forced a mother to roast her own child, forced a Foundation agent to have sexual relations with his dead fiancée and killed multiple furries during a Yiffcon convent.
You: Woah, I understand the last one, but what the hell?! Why did you do that to that woman?!
953: She wasn't without any fault anyway. To be frank, she had two children but she loved the second one more than the first one, which ended up in her killing her older son and hiding his body. When I found out about that, I have decided to avenge him and made her kill the second child.
You: I... I kinda understand you, but on the other hand wouldn't it be better to report that to the police?
953: She has already reported him missing anyway. And do you seriously think that they would believe me if I told them, that I have read in her mind and saw how she killed him and then dissolved his body in acid?
You: Okay, fair point. But what about the...
Intercom: Wait a fucking second. SCP-953, you never told us about that.
953: Because you have never asked me why I did that!
Intercom: And... Why did you force our agent to have sexual intercourse with a dead body?
953: That actually wasn't me, he did it all by himself, I just said it because I wanted you to be afraid.
Intercom: And what about MTFs who were supposed to contain you and the guy whose flesh you gave to them?
You: Excuse me, what?!
953: That guy tried to rape me but met a destiny worse than death, and about those MTFs... Well...
Intercom: Answer the question.
953: ... I was out of acid and I had to get rid of the body, okay? I hoped that they will not find out that it was human flesh. And later they tried to force me to oral sex, so I got rid of them too.
Intercom: Damn... During one experiment we have learnt more than during multiple attempts of interviews with you.
953: Anything else you want to know?
Intercom: For now I think it is enough, you can continue your conversation.
I have looked at her and she spoke to me again, this time with telepathy:
953: Now you see why I have ended up in here?
You: Yeah, that is a weird story.
953: But be honest with me. If you could control whoever you want with your powers, who would you control and why?
You: Honestly? All governments around the Earth and force them to make a united Utopia for everyone. A world without wars, where everyone would be equal. That was my plan since I have found out about my powers.
953: Do you think you could do that alone?
You: Probably no, but maybe you could help me?
953: What do you mean?
You: During the next opportunity, lets breach containment. Find a politician and take control over him. After that, we could take control over other politicians through him, and thanks to that, in few months we would have control over all governments. But my powers are not enough for that. If you help me, we could create a perfect world.
953: You can count on me.
*10 months later*
Our plan was succesful, and all governments were loyal to us. Foundation found us pretty quickly, but our plan couldn't be stopped anymore. The entire world got united into a technocratic federation, which made the Foundation realise what we did. But to be frank, they didn't stop us, they just let it be. For the greater good of humanity.

Scp x Reader One Shots
FanfictionRequests are now closed, but you can still read one-shots, which were suggested by other people. I think most of the popular SCPs were used in here, but there are also stories with some less known objects, so many people should be able to find somet...