Part 93 - Male class D Reader x Female MTF Commander

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There are so many Groups of Interest across the world, that it is hard to believe, all of them manage to stay hidden from the public. Dangerous or friendly, big or small, all of them don't reveal themselves to anyone, even though there is no written agreement between them about this.

Everyone's goals are different though, and for us, a cult of our Lord C'thulu, our goal was to release him from SCP Foundation and allow him to achieve his full destruction glory. All previous cults have failed, but in exception to them, we were the most prepared. We infiltrated the Foundation, found his cell, opened the door and stepped inside...

... Where we were greeted by the entire Mobile Task Force waiting to capture us and prevent from seeing our Master... Like, for fuck's sake... We had a plan, which was fool proof, we have prepared everything perfectly, and then it turned out, that they have been observing us for over two months, which gave them enough time to completely annihilate our perfect plan. They even faked, that they were going for a mission somewhere else, just to give us hope of succeeding.

Few of us tried to rush through them or fight back, but they were shot immediately, and since I knew there was no other choice, I have decided to give up in order to save my life, and hopefully get a chance to see him as a class D personnel. Uhm... Yeah... How do I say this... Their director gave an order, to prevent any D-class from seeing him for the next two months...

Instead, I was thrown to do stuff like cleaning other SCPs cells, and also serve SCP-049 as his butler. And that's not a joke, I was seriously helping him with everything, which wasn't too bad, as it probably saved my skin from getting cured by him. He also turned out to be a pretty fun guy to talk with, of course as long as he didn't try to touch me.

One day though, another cult tried to breach in, and I immediately sensed an opportunity to sneak to C'thulu's cell. I hid in janitor's closed, and when I got my chance, I opened his cell, stepped inside and was finally able to see C'thulu in his full form. I immediately fell on my knees, but not because of fear, but because one of those goddamn MTFs were also in there, and she immediately knocked me down.

- Trying to interrupt SCP-2662 while he is busy, sweety? - She said with a laughter, while I was waiting for C'thulu to smash her head, in order to save his follower.

- Oh for fuck's sake dude, I am not interested in having a cult! - He spoke annoyed, which made me feel terrified. - Every single time, you guys breach my containment cell, try to pull me out, perform some fucked up rituals, which don't satisfy me at all! Instead, I want to throw up when I see this shit!

- My Lord, I am sorry, I didn't know you... - I tried to say something, but he interrupted me instead.

- You guys learn how to get to my cell, but you never learn that I am not interested in that! Alice, please take him out of my chamber, because I want to start another round of CS:GO.

- Sure thing 2662. - She responded before dragging me out, and putting against the wall. - So, any last words before I shoot you?

- There has to be another option, please! - I screamed in fear, as she loaded a full magazine into her gun.

- Your only two options are a bullet into your head, which will make it quick, or into your heart, which will make it more painful and longer, but you will have more time to think about your actions.

- Please...

- What's going on in here? - I have heard another female voice behind me.

- Hello commander! I am just executing this D-class for attempting to break 2662's cell, nothing else.

- Before you do that, let me look at him, because he looks familiar to me.

Having said that, she forced me to turn around and look at her face, which immediately made me fall down in fear, while she went completely pale, and took two steps back.

- That's impossible... - She spoke before dropping her gun down.

- Mom...? - I asked terrified, as I immediately recognized her face, which despite all these years, was still familiar to me.

- Oh for fuck's sake, commander, don't tell me that cultist D-class is your son! - The other MTF said in anger, as she knew, she wouldn't be able to refuse any of her orders.

- Alice... As much as I would like to say, that it is not true, I can't...- She said before running to me and bursting in tears, while putting her hands around me.

- Mom... I thought I would never see you again... - I spoke with sadness, as despite everything that happened, I still loved her.

- Son, why did you get into this mess...? Like, why didn't you tell us, you were under 2662's influence, but instead ran away?

- I didn't know! I was scared! Those visions... I was afraid at first, but then I understood, that this has to happen... C'thulu has to be free, so he can...

- Destroy this world? That's what you thought he wants?

- Yes... But after what I have heard from him... I-I don't know anymore...

- Oh please, the only way how sometimes he wants to destroy this world, is by infecting everyone in a specific game on mega brutal gamemode, without Greenland destroying his entire gameplay.

- I-I... Please, help me get rid of these visions then! If what I believed was a lie, then I don't want to have these visions anymore!

- Follow me then. - She said, before going back to C'thulu's cell.

After hesitating for a little bit, I have decided to give this a shot and do as she said, but inside I still had to wait some time before C'thulu stopped playing on his massive computer. When he was done with it, he turned around, and when he saw me, he facepalmed in disappointment.

- I told you already, I don't want a fucking cult following me! Go away!

- 2662, calm down. - My mother spoke to him. - He is my son, and I need you to help him with getting rid of these visions, so his mind can come back to normal.

- Trust me, I would love to do this to every single one of my followers. Just to make them stop coming. But I can't. I cannot control this, no matter how hard I try.

- Do you know anyone, who could do this then? - I asked with hope and fear.

- 049 definitely could do this. But he would turn you into a zombie...

- Absolutely not! I don't want my son to meet this fate!

- Then maybe 239?

- She is out of this facility, and even this universe. 343 is giving her a tour around different universes.

- 049-J then?

- Are you fucking insane 2662?! He would kill him with a fucking shoe, just like he did with his other patient!

- I was joking, calm down!

- Is there an SCP, who could change something in my mind then?

- Yes, Y/N, we have SCP-953, but she would probably take your liver as an exchange of helping you.

- You could give her another D-class then, turn off security cameras and just let her do whatever she wants with that guy, if she helps your son.

- I will pass, I am not a fan of vore... - I spoke terrified.

- Then our last option is 999, but I don't know if he can help in this case... - My mother said with sadness.

- 999 is a goddamn miracle maker, if he cannot help him, then nobody can. - C'thulu responded with a smile.

- I will give this a shot then. - She answered happily, before ordering me to follow her.

We walked through the entire facility, before we finally found this SCP-999, who immediately jumped at me and began tickling every sensitive part of my body. Instantly I began laughing and fell on the floor, while my mother looked at me with tears of happiness in her eyes.

- I am so happy to see, you again, my dear Y/N...

I knew she wanted to help me, and I wanted to get rid of these visions once and for all. I wanted to do it for her and for C'thulu, because I knew, that he wasn't happy with our cults, while my mother knew, I wasn't dead. And I stoll loved her.

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